| Работы бизнес-процесса (tgbrg5122s000) Используйте этот сеанс чтобы define the activity. Тип работы Part of a business process that depending on the type of
activity requires a certain action by LN or an LN user: Manual activity A task that cannot be automated Business process A hierarchical expansion of the business process Application A program that can run on the client or server and is
defined within a component release File-based (client) A file for which, based on the file extension, the
associated application on the client is started Sending trigger An attached business process that is started without user
Тип управления An activity in the business process that represents a decision
moment. The designer of the business process defines with the help of static
and dynamic conditions for the outgoing transitions the route through the
process (which of the succeeding activities will be carried out and in which
order). The different types of control activities are, for example, XOR, OR,
and AND. Приложение The function depends on the selection you made in the Тип работы. The
following selections enable the field: Бизнес-процесс (field description is Code) Select the business process. Приложение (field description is Application) Select the application. Аргумент The function depends on the selection you made in the Тип работы field. The following selections activate the field: - Приложение (field description is Argument) Starts an
application with the given arguments.
- Обработка файла (клиент) (field description is File) Starts for a file the associated
application on the client, based on the file extension.
Examples - A path and file name. For example '
c:\data\memo.txt ' - A workflow attribute which at run-time is substituted by
the actual value of the workflow attribute. To use a workflow attribute, a
dollar sign ($) must be placed in front of the workflow attribute name. For
example '
c:\data\$filename '. If the value of the worklfow attribute $filename is 'memo.txt', the outcome will be 'c:\data\memo.txt '.
Описание работы The name or description of the activity. The Описание связи сеанса/бизнес-процесса check box must be cleared to insert a description for the activity type business process or application. Внешний код A user-definable code that indicates the position of a model
item relative to other model items. Полномочия на приложения This field, which only applies (at this moment) to ERP
sessions, indicate to what extent you can use the ERP session. You can only decrease the authorization
when linking roles to an activity or business process. Утилита One or more applications that can be linked to a business
process or an activity to help the employee carry out the process/activity.
Note that a support application can contain both applications and other support
applications. Категория работы A division within a system of classification. Most model items
can be categorized. AO-документ A document that is part of the administrative organization in a
company and which you can link to an activity. Справка репозитария Help that provides general information about a model item.
Repository help can also be viewed from a business model. Тип внешнего бизнес-процесса Select one of the following values: Формальное внешнее состояние Specify the formal external state of the formal business
process that you want to initiate from the current business process. The formal external state is a reference to
the actual external state. Formal External State The name or description of the formal external state. Актуальное внешнее состояние Specify the actual external state of the actual business
process that you want to initiate from the current business process. The external state, in the business-process
diagram that you want to initiate, must first be created. You can then save the
business-process diagram to make the actual external state available to zoom
to. Actual External State The name or description of the actual external state. Получающее внешнее состояние Select the external state where the business process must
continue at completion of the triggered business process. Примечание First define the external state in the
business-process diagram. Then save the business-process diagram to make the
external state available to zoom to. Receiving External State The name or description of the receiving external state. Контейнерная работа Если этот флаг установлен, the activity instances
are collected and scheduled to the workflow users as one. If one of the
workflow users carries out the container activity, the whole bunch of collected
activity instances (e.g. orders) can be handled. Автоматическое выполнение Если этот флаг установлен, the activity is started
automatically on the Workflow Server and is not scheduled to the worklist of
employees. Примечание Enabled if the Поток задач check box
is cleared and the Выполнить на сервере is selected. Смотреть запись Если этот флаг установлен, it is allowed to browse
between records. Примечание The LN session must be
workflow enabled. Запись и чтение умолчаний Если этот флаг установлен, it is allowed to save
and get the defaults. Примечание The LN session must be
workflow enabled. Фильтр Если этот флаг установлен, it is allowed to use the
filter. Примечание The LN session must be
workflow enabled. Смотреть группы Если этот флаг установлен, it is allowed to use the
group buttons for browsing between groups. Примечание The LN session must be
workflow enabled. Сменить валюту Если этот флаг установлен, it is allowed to rotate
currencies. Примечание The LN session must be
workflow enabled. Запуск графика Если этот флаг установлен, it is allowed to use
charts. Примечание The LN session must be
workflow enabled. Автообновл. Если этот флаг установлен, you can set the refresh
rate for those sessions that have the auto refresh option enabled. Примечание The LN session must be
workflow enabled. Текст Если этот флаг установлен, it is allowed to
create/modify/read text. Примечание The LN session must be
workflow enabled. Делать задание Если этот флаг установлен, it is allowed to make a
job. Примечание The LN session must be
workflow enabled. Опция запуска Via this field, which only applies (at this moment) to ERP
sessions, you can select the start option that automatically must be started at
session start up. Always verify if the startup option is
supported by the applicable ERP session. Опции пользователя This field is enabled if the Опция запуска field is set to Specific. Via this field, which only applies (at this
moment) to ERP sessions, you can select a Specific menu command of the selected application (ERP session). When the application is carried out the
Specific menu command is automatically started. Сначала найти Если этот флаг установлен, a Find Record is
performed at startup of the ERP session. Примечание The Сначала найти check box is enabled only if you select Особый as the Опция запуска. For all the other startup options, this
is automatically carried out. Пользователь с наименьшей загрузкой Если этот флаг установлен, the activity instances are scheduled to the employee that has the least amount of
work assigned. The amount of work is calculated based on
the employment percentage and the number of activity instances on his or her
worklist. Сделать исполнителя владельцем экземпляра процесса Если этот флаг установлен, the employee that
carries out the activity instance will automatically become its process instance owner. Работа может быть пропущена Если этот флаг установлен, you allow the employee
to skip the activity instance. The employee can skip an activity instance in
the Worklist Handler, so the next activity of the business process can be scheduled. Изменение приоритета допускается Если этот флаг установлен, you allow the employee
to change the priority of the activity instance. The employee can change the
priority of an activity instance via the Worklist Handler. Создатель экземпляра процесса The creator of the process instance is the
employee that initiated the process instance through the Worklist Handler. During the life cycle of the process instance the creator
remains the same. Владелец экземпляра процесса The owner of the process instance is the
employee that initiated the process instance through the Worklist Handler. During the life cycle of the process instance the owner can
change. Исполнит.-зависимая работа Если этот флаг установлен, the activity instance is scheduled to the employee that carries out the activity
instance that you specified. Executor Specific Activity Select an activity ( position number) that
precedes the current activity. The activity instance may only be scheduled to the employee that carries out the
selected activity. Do not mix up the position number and the external code. The external code is displayed in the enterprise modeler editor the position number is managed internally. Инспектор владельца экземпляра Если этот флаг установлен, the activity instances
are scheduled to the supervisor of the employee group in which the process
instance owner resides. The owner of the process instance is the
employee that initiated the process instance through the Worklist Handler.
During the life cycle of the process instance the owner can change. Инспектор создателя экземпляра Если этот флаг установлен, the activity instances
are scheduled to the supervisor of the employee group in which the process
instance creator resides. The creator of the process instance is the
employee that initiated the process instance through the Worklist Handler.
During the life cycle of the process instance the creator is the same. Исполнит.-зависима работа инспектора Если этот флаг установлен, the activity instance is
scheduled to the supervisor of the employee group in which the employee resides
that carries out the activity instance that you specified. Главная группа владельца экземпляра Если этот флаг установлен, the activity instances
are scheduled to the employees of the principal employee group in which the
process instance owner resides. The owner of the process instance is the
employee that initiated the process instance through the Worklist Handler.
During the life cycle of the process instance the owner can change. Расширенное планирование Если этот флаг установлен, you can specify the
extended scheduling parameters on the Расширенное планирование tab. Главная группа создателя экземпляра Если этот флаг установлен, the activity instances
are scheduled to the employees of the principal employee group in which the
process instance creator resides. The creator of the process instance is the
employee that initiated the process instance through the Worklist Handler.
During the life cycle of the process instance the creator is the same. Исполн.-завис главная группа работ Если этот флаг установлен, the activity instance is
scheduled to the employees of the principal employee group in which the
employee resides that carries out the activity instance that you specified. Число исполняющих пользователей Specify the number of employees that need to have executed the
current activity before the activity is removed from the worklist of all the
other employees to whom the activity was scheduled. Through this functionality you can, for
example, do an inquiry that need a specific number of people to respond. Процент пользов.для исполнения Specify the percentage of employees, from the total number of
employees that had the activity scheduled to their worklist, that need to have
executed the current activity before the activity is removed from the worklist
of all the other employees to whom the activity was scheduled. Through this functionality you can, for
example, do an inquiry that need a specific percentage of people, to whom the
activity was scheduled, to respond. Истекшие дни Specify the number of days that the instances of the activity
must remain on the worklist of the employees. To calculate the total elapse time add the
elapse hours. If you specify 0 this function is not
active. Истекшие часы Specify the number of hours that the instances of the activity
must remain on the worklist of the employees. To calculate the total elapse time add the
elapse days. If you specify 0 this function is not
active. Principal Group Executor Specific Activity Select an activity ( position number) that
precedes the current activity. The activity instance may only be scheduled to
the employees of the principal employee group in which the employee resides
that carries out the selected activity. Атрибут ПР с исполняющей компанией Select a workflow attribute whose value is a company number. In other
words, make sure that the domain used by the workflow attribute is of type
company. By means of this functionality you can
start an application or business process, or trigger a business process in another company than the
current one. Supervisor Executor Specific Activity Select an activity ( position number) that
precedes the current activity. The activity instance may only be scheduled to
the supervisor of the employee group in which the employee resides that carries
out the activity selected. URL Uniform Resource Locator (URL). An address for a resource on
the Internet. URLs are used by Web browsers to locate Internet
resources. A URL specifies: - The protocol to be used in accessing the resource (such as
http: for a World Wide Web page, or ftp: for an FTP site).
- The name of the server on which the resource resides (such as
- The path to a resource (such as an HTML document or a file on
that server).
Полномочия на опции Если этот флаг установлен, you can specify the
extended startup options on the Полномочия на опции tab. Запущенный бизнес-процесс Select the business process that must be triggered in case you have chosen the Actual
Business Process option in the Тип внешнего бизнес-процесса field. Описание связи сеанса/бизнес-процесса The function depends on the selection you made in the Тип работы. The
following selections enable the field: Business Process Если этот флаг установлен, the description of the business process is inserted
in the Описание работы field and used as the description for the current
activity. Application Если этот флаг установлен, the description of the application is inserted in
the Описание работы field and used as the description for the current
activity. If you clear the check box the description
remains and can be changed. Много-пользов.работа Если этот флаг установлен, you can specify the
multi-user activity parameters on the Много-пользов.работа tab. Компонент A set of applications and their related data. Релиз компонента The identification of the issue of a component. Executor Specific Activity The name or description of the activity. Supervisor Executor Specific Activity The name or description of the activity. Principal Group Executor Specific Activity The name or description of the activity. Поток задач Если этот флаг установлен, the next activity
instance in the worklist of the employee that belongs to the same process
instance as the current control activity instance, is started automatically. Through this functionality the employee
only needs to seek and start the first (control) activity instance of a process
instance. The remaining (control) activity instances of the same process
instance, that are in the worklist of the employee, are started automatically
provided also these (control) activities have the check box selected. Примечание Enabled if the Автоматическое выполнение is cleared. Включить весь процесс Если этот флаг установлен, you do not need to
specify an external state because the
begin state is used to trigger the business process. Исходная работа A pointer to the original activity within a business process
version. This actually means that this activity is a
copy of the original activity. Therefore, if something changes to this activity
the original activity should (maybe) be adjusted as well. The pointer helps you
locate the original activity. Original Activity The name or description of the original activity. Выполнить на сервере Если этот флаг установлен, the activity is executed
on the Workflow Server. Without the Автоматическое выполнение check box selected the activity is scheduled to the worklist
of the employees. An employee must start the activity that then is executed on
the workflow server. If you do not want an employee to receive
the activity in his or her worklist select the Автоматическое выполнение check box. Поток задач Если этот флаг установлен, the next activity
instance in the worklist of the employee that belongs to the same process
instance as the current activity instance is started automatically. Through this functionality the employee
only needs to seek and start the first activity instance of a process instance.
The remaining activity instances of the same process instance, that are in the
worklist of the employee, are started automatically provided that these
activities have this check box selected. Примечание Enabled if the Автоматическое выполнение check box is cleared. Автоматическое выполнение Если этот флаг установлен, the control activity
instance is started automatically on the Workflow Server. Примечание Enabled if the Поток задач check box
is cleared. Требуется подтверждение Если этот флаг установлен, the employee will be asked a
question when closing the activity instance. The question aks if the activity instance was carried out succesfully. If the answer is No, the activity
instance is not removed from the work list of the employee and can be started again. Примечание Not applicable for activities of type
Sending Trigger and Business Process. | |