ルールによる静的条件の設定 (プロジェクトモデル) (tgbrg7210m000)

セッションの目的: apply the static-condition-setting rules as defined in the ルール (tgbrg7500m000) session and the ルール別静的条件の設定 (tgbrg7137m000) session. The rules are applied to all optimization phases of the project model.

If you select the テストラン check box, a report with the hypothetical outcome of the current session run is printed. The condition values are not actually set.



A model that represents a specific organization.

. A project model is built from a library (repository) of the following model items:

  • business-control model
  • business-function model
  • business-process model
Project Model
The description or name of the project model.
A group of model items that share some characteristics, such as the customer, owner, and effective date.
The description or name of the version.
このチェックボックスがオンの場合、 a report with the hypothetical outcome of the current session run is printed. The condition values are not actually set.
このチェックボックスがオンの場合、 a report with the outcome of the current session run is printed.


If you click this button (or command), the rules are implemented.