Convert Used Applications (tgbrg5251m000)

Cette session permet convert the applications that are used within the business processes and support applications from one component release to another.


To convert applications from one component release (source) to another (destination) it is important that you maintain the application changes between the different component releases in the Conversion d'applications (tgbrg5150m000) session. When neglecting the changes it might happen that certain business processes and support applications can no longer be used as no destination application is specified.

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Select the version of the business processes and support applications of which you can specify the ranges.
Si cette case est cochée, you can select a range of business processes.

The activities of application type within the business processes will be checked whether a source application is linked. If this is true the source application will be converted to the destination application.


Of course all conditions set in this session must be met before the actual conversion takes place.

Application auxiliaire
Si cette case est cochée, you can select a range of support applications.

The support applications will be checked whether a source application is linked. If this is true the source application will be converted to the destination application.


Of course all conditions set in this session must be met before the actual conversion takes place.

Exécuter le test
Si cette case est cochée, a test run for the conversion is carried out. ERP prints a report that contains the relevant data. The print report shows per business process and support application which source applications are converted and by means of which replacement option this took place.
A set of applications and their related data.
Version de composant
The identification of the issue of a component.
A set of applications and their related data.
Version de composant
The identification of the issue of a component.
The name or description of the source component.
The name or description of the destination component.
Convertir uniquement les conversions d'applications approuvées
Si cette case est cochée, the source applications that meet the following conditions are converted:
Convertir uniquement le remplacement complet
Si cette case est cochée, the source applications that meet the following conditions are converted:
  • For which a complete replacement exists. This is true if the Sessions remplacées complètes check box in the Conversion d'applications (tgbrg5150m000) session is selected. A complete replacement means that the destination application covers the functionality of the source application.
  • The source application falls within the range you have specified.
  • The destination application falls within the range you have specified.
  • The source application is used by a business process or support application that falls within the ranges that you specified.
Conserver les descriptions des activités d'origine des processus
Si cette case est cochée, the description of the activity will not be changed when the linked application (source application) is replaced by the destination application.

In other words the description of the activity will not be replaced by the description of the destination activity.

Lier desc. activités de comp. de la dest. aux activités de processus
Si cette case est cochée, the description of the activity is replaced by the description of the destination application.

If the application that is linked to an activity exists in the source component, the system conducts a search for the corresponding application in the destination component. If the corresponding application exists, the description of the activity is changed to the description of the destination application.


This option only applies to activities of type application.

Imprimer l'état
Si cette case est cochée, ERP prints a report that shows per business process and support application which applications are converted.

This option is automatically selected if you select the Exécuter le test check box.

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If you click this button (or command), the conversion is initiated.