Creating a link between the LN user and the database user

To create a link between a Tools user and a database user complete the following procedure:

  • Start the Vínculos entre usuarios de ERP y usuarios de base de datos (ttdba0510m000) session and use the group buttons on the toolbar to select a database
  • Click New on the toolbar to start the details session
  • Select an LN user and a database user
  • Click OK to return to the Vínculos entre usuarios de ERP y usuarios de base de datos (ttdba0510m000) session
  • Use the Convertir usuarios en ejecutable command on the Vistas, Referencias o Acciones menu to upload the user file with the link
  • Use the Transferir archivo de usuarios command on the Vistas, Referencias o Acciones menu to transfer the user file to the Database Administrator (DBA) module.