Calculated date and time formula definitions

The calculated date and time formulas can be linked to business processes and activities in the business process model of the project model.

The calculated date and time formulas are interpreted by Workflow Management System to determine the target date and time of the business process and its activities at the moment that the business process is initiated.

The target date of the business process is also the target date of the activities within the business process unless a target date is defined for the individual activity. The target date of the business process overrules the target date of the activity if the target date of the activity is later than that of the business process.

To define the target date of a business process:

To define the target date for an activity:

The date part of the formula can contain the arguments; x, day, month, year, and week.

X represents the date or time that the formula is interpreted by the Workflow Engine for the initiating business process.

The day argument can represent the day of the month (valid values 1 through 31), or the day of the week (valid values 1 through 7, which represent, for example, Sunday through Saturday).

The month, year, and week arguments represent themselves.


The fields in the Test data for formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, regardless of whether they are included in the formula or not.


The first day of the month in which day x falls. This formula is short for definition DAY_OF MONTH(x, 1)


The last day of the month in which day x falls.

DAY_OF_MONTH(x, day)

The indicated day in the month in which day x falls.

MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, month)

The first day of the indicated month in the year in which x falls, which is short for the definition DAY_OF_MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, 1, month).

DAY_OF_MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, day, month)

The day and month indicated in the year in which x falls.

DAY_OF_WEEK(x, day)

The indicated day in the week in which x falls.


If the indicated day precedes x, then it is the day indicated in the week after the week in which x falls, else it is the day indicated in the week in which x falls.

WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, week)

The first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls, which is short for the definition DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, 1, week).


If the indicated week precedes or equals that of x, it is the first working day of the indicated week in the year after the year in which x falls; Otherwise, this day refers to the first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls.

DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, day, week)

The day and week indicated in the year in which x falls.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the month is one month later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the year is one year later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the last working day before x; otherwise it refers to x itself.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the first working day after x. Otherwise, it refers to x itself.


The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.



The first day of the month in which day x falls. This formula is short for definition DAY_OF MONTH(x, 1)

Result of the example data: 1 June 1996.


The last day of the month in which day x falls.

DAY_OF_MONTH(x, day)

The indicated day in the month in which day x falls.

MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, month)

The first day of the indicated month in the year in which x falls, which is short for the definition DAY_OF_MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, 1, month).

DAY_OF_MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, day, month)

The day and month indicated in the year in which x falls.

DAY_OF_WEEK(x, day)

The indicated day in the week in which x falls.


If the indicated day precedes x, then it is the day indicated in the week after the week in which x falls, else it is the day indicated in the week in which x falls.

WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, week)

The first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls, which is short for the definition DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, 1, week).


If the indicated week precedes or equals that of x, it is the first working day of the indicated week in the year after the year in which x falls; Otherwise, this day refers to the first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls.

DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, day, week)

The day and week indicated in the year in which x falls.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the month is one month later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the year is one year later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the last working day before x; otherwise it refers to x itself.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the first working day after x. Otherwise, it refers to x itself.


The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.



The last day of the month in which day x falls.

Result of the example data: 30 June 1996.

DAY_OF_MONTH(x, day)

The indicated day in the month in which day x falls.

MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, month)

The first day of the indicated month in the year in which x falls, which is short for the definition DAY_OF_MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, 1, month).

DAY_OF_MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, day, month)

The day and month indicated in the year in which x falls.

DAY_OF_WEEK(x, day)

The indicated day in the week in which x falls.


If the indicated day precedes x, then it is the day indicated in the week after the week in which x falls, else it is the day indicated in the week in which x falls.

WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, week)

The first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls, which is short for the definition DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, 1, week).


If the indicated week precedes or equals that of x, it is the first working day of the indicated week in the year after the year in which x falls; Otherwise, this day refers to the first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls.

DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, day, week)

The day and week indicated in the year in which x falls.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the month is one month later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the year is one year later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the last working day before x; otherwise it refers to x itself.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the first working day after x. Otherwise, it refers to x itself.


The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.


DAY_OF_MONTH(x, day)

The indicated day in the month in which day x falls.

Valid values for the day argument are 1 through 31.

Result of the example data: If the day is 13, it refers to 13 June 1996.

MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, month)

The first day of the indicated month in the year in which x falls, which is short for the definition DAY_OF_MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, 1, month).

DAY_OF_MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, day, month)

The day and month indicated in the year in which x falls.

DAY_OF_WEEK(x, day)

The indicated day in the week in which x falls.


If the indicated day precedes x, then it is the day indicated in the week after the week in which x falls, else it is the day indicated in the week in which x falls.

WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, week)

The first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls, which is short for the definition DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, 1, week).


If the indicated week precedes or equals that of x, it is the first working day of the indicated week in the year after the year in which x falls; Otherwise, this day refers to the first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls.

DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, day, week)

The day and week indicated in the year in which x falls.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the month is one month later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the year is one year later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the last working day before x; otherwise it refers to x itself.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the first working day after x. Otherwise, it refers to x itself.


The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.


MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, month)

The first day of the indicated month in the year in which x falls, which is short for the definition DAY_OF_MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, 1, month).

Result of the example data: If the month is 4, it refers to 1 April 1996.

DAY_OF_MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, day, month)

The day and month indicated in the year in which x falls.

DAY_OF_WEEK(x, day)

The indicated day in the week in which x falls.


If the indicated day precedes x, then it is the day indicated in the week after the week in which x falls, else it is the day indicated in the week in which x falls.

WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, week)

The first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls, which is short for the definition DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, 1, week).


If the indicated week precedes or equals that of x, it is the first working day of the indicated week in the year after the year in which x falls; Otherwise, this day refers to the first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls.

DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, day, week)

The day and week indicated in the year in which x falls.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the month is one month later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the year is one year later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the last working day before x; otherwise it refers to x itself.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the first working day after x. Otherwise, it refers to x itself.


The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.


DAY_OF_MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, day, month)

The day and month indicated in the year in which x falls.

Valid values for the day argument are 1 through 31.

Result of the example data: If day is 17 and the month is 10, they refer to 17 October 1996.

DAY_OF_WEEK(x, day)

The indicated day in the week in which x falls.


If the indicated day precedes x, then it is the day indicated in the week after the week in which x falls, else it is the day indicated in the week in which x falls.

WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, week)

The first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls, which is short for the definition DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, 1, week).


If the indicated week precedes or equals that of x, it is the first working day of the indicated week in the year after the year in which x falls; Otherwise, this day refers to the first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls.

DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, day, week)

The day and week indicated in the year in which x falls.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the month is one month later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the year is one year later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the last working day before x; otherwise it refers to x itself.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the first working day after x. Otherwise, it refers to x itself.


The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.


DAY_OF_WEEK(x, day)

The indicated day in the week in which x falls.

Valid values for the day argument are 1 through 7.

Result of the example data: If the day is 1, it refers to 2 June 1996.


If the indicated day precedes x, then it is the day indicated in the week after the week in which x falls, else it is the day indicated in the week in which x falls.

WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, week)

The first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls, which is short for the definition DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, 1, week).


If the indicated week precedes or equals that of x, it is the first working day of the indicated week in the year after the year in which x falls; Otherwise, this day refers to the first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls.

DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, day, week)

The day and week indicated in the year in which x falls.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the month is one month later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the year is one year later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the last working day before x; otherwise it refers to x itself.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the first working day after x. Otherwise, it refers to x itself.


The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.



If the indicated day precedes x, then it is the day indicated in the week after the week in which x falls, else it is the day indicated in the week in which x falls.

Valid values for the day argument are 1 through 7.

Result of the example data: If the day is 1, it refers to 9 June 1996. Day 1 precedes x, which is day 2 of the week. So, this day refers to the first day of the next week.

Result of the example data: If the day is 2, it refers to 3 June 1996, because 3 June is exactly day 2 of the week.

WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, week)

The first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls, which is short for the definition DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, 1, week).


If the indicated week precedes or equals that of x, it is the first working day of the indicated week in the year after the year in which x falls; Otherwise, this day refers to the first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls.

DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, day, week)

The day and week indicated in the year in which x falls.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the month is one month later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the year is one year later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the last working day before x; otherwise it refers to x itself.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the first working day after x. Otherwise, it refers to x itself.


The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.


WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, week)

The first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls, which is short for the definition DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, 1, week).

Result of the example data: If the week is 22, it refers to 27 May 1996.

Result of the example data: If the week is 24, it refers to 10 June 1996.


If the indicated week precedes or equals that of x, it is the first working day of the indicated week in the year after the year in which x falls; Otherwise, this day refers to the first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls.

DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, day, week)

The day and week indicated in the year in which x falls.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the month is one month later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the year is one year later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the last working day before x; otherwise it refers to x itself.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the first working day after x. Otherwise, it refers to x itself.


The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.



If the indicated week precedes or equals that of x, it is the first working day of the indicated week in the year after the year in which x falls; Otherwise, this day refers to the first working day of the indicated week in the year in which x falls.

Result of the example data: If the week is 22, it refers to 26 May 1997. X falls after week 22, So, it refers to the first day of week 22 in the following year.

Result of the example data: If the week is 24, it refers to 10 June 1996. X falls before week 24, So, it refers to the first day of week 24 in the year in which x falls.

DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, day, week)

The day and week indicated in the year in which x falls.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the month is one month later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the year is one year later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the last working day before x; otherwise it refers to x itself.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the first working day after x. Otherwise, it refers to x itself.


The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.


DAY_OF_WEEK_OF_YEAR(x, day, week)

The day and week indicated in the year in which x falls.

Valid values for the day argument are 1 through 7.

Result of the example data: If the day is 2 and the week is 23, they refer to 28 October 1996.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the month is one month later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the year is one year later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the last working day before x; otherwise it refers to x itself.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the first working day after x. Otherwise, it refers to x itself.


The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.



If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the month is one month later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.

This formula only has meaning if x is determined by other formulas, otherwise the result is always x itself!

Examples of nested FUTURE_MONTH definitions: FUTURE_MONTH(BEGIN_OF_MONTH(x))

Result of the example data: The outcome of the inner formula is 1 June 1996, which is the date the outer formula uses. The 1 June precedes the current date of 4 June, so the outcome of the complete formula is 1 July 1996.


Result of the example data: The outcome of the inner formula is 1 April 1996, which is the date the outer formula uses. The 1 April precedes the current date of 4 June, so the outcome of the complete formula is 1 July 1996. This day is the same day of the month but one month later then the current date.


Result of the example data: The outcome of the inner formula is 1 August 1996, which is the date the outer formula uses. The 1 August succeeds the current date of 4 June, so the outcome of the complete formula is 1 August 1996.


Result of the example data: The outcome of the inner formula is 30 June 1996, which is the date the outer formula uses. The 30 June succeeds the current date of 4 June, so the outcome of the complete formula is 30 June 1996.


If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the year is one year later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the last working day before x; otherwise it refers to x itself.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the first working day after x. Otherwise, it refers to x itself.


The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.



If x precedes the current date, the result is x, but the year is one year later than the current date. Otherwise, it is exactly x.

This formula only has meaning if x is determined by other formulas, otherwise the result is always x itself!

Examples of nested FUTURE YEAR definitions are: FUTURE_YEAR(MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, 4))

Result of the example data: The outcome of the inner formula is 1 April 1996, which is the date the outer formula uses. The 1 April precedes the current date of 4 June, so the outcome of the complete formula is 1 April 1997.


Result of the example data: The outcome of the inner formula is 1 September 1996, which is the date the outer formula uses. The 1 September succeeds the current date of 4 June so the outcome of the complete formula is 1 September 1996.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the last working day before x; otherwise it refers to x itself.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the first working day after x. Otherwise, it refers to x itself.


The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.



If x is a holiday, it refers to the last working day before x; otherwise it refers to x itself.

Result of the example data: X is a working day, so, it refers to x itself 3 June 1996.

Example of nested LOWER definition: LOWER(END_OF_MONTH(x))

Result of the example data: The outcome of the inner formula is 30 June 1996, which is the date the outer formula uses. The 30 June is a Sunday, so go back to the last working day, which is 28 June 1996.


If x is a holiday, it refers to the first working day after x. Otherwise, it refers to x itself.


The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.



If x is a holiday, it refers to the first working day after x. Otherwise, it refers to x itself.

Result of the example data: X is a working day, so, it refers to x itself 3 June 1996.

Example of nested UPPER definition: UPPER(MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, 9))

Result of the example data: The outcome of the inner formula is 1 September 1996, which is the date the outer formula uses. The 1 September is a Sunday, so go forward to the first working day, which is 2 September 1996. As a result a formula exists for the first working day, which in this case is September.


The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.



The start of the working day.


One hour after the start of the day.

END_OF_DAY(x) - 2:30

Two and an half hours before the end of the day.


When x is not a working day, the time will be set to 0.


The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.



The fields in the Test data for the formula group box must contain a test value for each argument present in the formula. From top to bottom, each field is only used in the test if all fields above it contain a value, whether or not they are included in the formula.




To create this formula select BEGIN_OF_MONTH and then FUTURE_MONTH



To create this formula select BEGIN_OF_MONTH(x) and then DAY_OF_MONTH_OF_YEAR(x, day, month)