Configuración DEM de usuario (tgbrg8136m000)

Utilice esta sesión para determine the process browser settings for a user.


Usuario ERP
The name of the User
Allowed to Change Company
Select if the user is allowed to make changes.
Versión predeterminada
Select a run-time version that is used as default in the process browser of the selected ERP user.
Modelo de proyecto predeterminado
The run-time project model that will be used as default in the process browser of the selected ERP user.
Fase de optimización predeterminada
The run-time optimization phase that will be used as default in the process browser of the selected ERP user.
Allowed to Change Company
Shows if the user is allowed to switch to another company.
The date when the last changes were made to this session.
The time when the last changes were made to this session.
The user who made the last changes in this session.