To set up Swiss payment slips for purchase invoices

Esta funcionalidad es específica de Suiza.

To set up payment slips for Swiss banks for purchase invoices, in addition to the steps described in Configurar notas de pago para facturas de venta, you must set up the following details:

  • Parámetros de compañía (tfgld0503m000)
    Set the Comprobación de referencia bancaria field to Comprobación por módulo 10 (recursivo).
  • Método de pago/cobro (tfcmg0140s000)

    Clear the Permitir pago negativo para notas de abono check box.

    In the Listado grupo pagos/cobros field, select 44 (DTA).

    For Swiss payment slips, select the following check boxes:

    • Datos de contabilización necesarios
    • Usar cuenta IBAN
    • Cuenta bancaria necesaria
  • Autorizaciones de pago (tfcmg1100m000)
    Define the users who are authorized to make the payments. In the ID de pagador field, you must enter the DTA submitter's identification defined in your DTA contract with the bank relation.
  • Posiciones de referencia bancaria por país (cisli1130m000)

    Define the start positions and the lengths of the various fields required to generate the bank reference number on the payment slip.

    For Swiss payment slips, define the positions of the following fields:

    • The transaction type
    • The document number
    • The company ID
    • The pay-by business partner code