Inventory 360(whwmd4300m000)

Use this session to create management overviews of the items and inventory present in your company.

How this session is set up

By default, all items and related inventory information is listed in this session.

If you select a warehouse in the Warehouse field, the items and related inventory information stored in the selected warehouse are displayed. However, the quantities shown are the aggregated quantities for all warehouses of the current company.

If required, you can filter the items by warehouse, item group, and various item characteristics using the fields of the Filter Items group box and/or define a filter by means of the filter option in the View menu. Note, however, that the use of filters may affect the system's performance.

In addition, you can use the Personalize Grid option in the View menu to show or hide various fields in this session. Some of the available fields in the customized grid have parentheses behind the field name. If you select a warehouse in the Warehouse field, the code of the selected warehouse is shown between the parentheses of these fields. If you add these fields to the session, these fields will show the indicated quantity for the specified warehouse.

For example, if you use the customized grid to add the On Hand [ - ] field to this session, the On Hand [ - ] field will show the inventory on hand for the warehouse selected in the Warehouse field. If you put the On Hand [ - ] field next to the On Hand field, you get a clear overview of the aggregated on hand quantity and the on hand quantity of the warehouse.

The items and the related inventory information are listed in the lower half of this session.

If you highlight an item in the lower half of this session, the buttons in the upper half of this session provide quick access to various sessions in which you can view or maintain further information about the highlighted item, such as stockpoints, inventory transactions, orders, and so on.

The check boxes located next to the buttons indicate whether information is present in the sessions that you start up by clicking the buttons.

For example, if the check box next to the Handling Units button is selected, handling units exist for the selected item. To view and maintain the handling units, click the Handling Units button to start the Handling Units (whwmd5130m000) session.

In addition, you can perform various types of planning and analyses on the inventory information.


On the Dashboards tab of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session, you can do the following:

  • Specify the Refresh Interval by which the overview displayed in this session is automatically refreshed.

  • Specify the option in the Show Orders or Order Lines field to start one of the following sessions:

  • Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000)
  • Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000)
  • Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000)


Filter Items

The warehouse with which to filter items. If you enter or select a warehouse in this field, items with matching warehouses are displayed in this session provided that the items match the other settings that you specify in the fields of the Filter Items group box of this session.

Item Group

The item group with which to filter items. If you enter or select an item group in this field, items with matching item groups are displayed in this session provided that the items match the other settings that you specify in the fields of the Filter Items group box of this session.

Location Controlled

If this check box is selected, location controlled items are displayed in this session, provided that the items match the other settings that you specify in the fields of the Filter Items group box of this session.

Related topics

Lot Controlled

If this check box is selected, lot controlled items are displayed in this session, provided that the items match the other settings that you specify in the fields of the Filter Items group box of this session.

Related topics


If this check box is selected, serialized items are displayed in this session, provided that the items match the other settings that you specify in the fields of the Filter Items group box of this session.

Unit Effective

If this check box is selected, unit effectivity items are displayed in this session, provided that the items match the other settings that you specify in the fields of the Filter Items group box of this session.

Related topics

Warehouse Inventory

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000) session.

Stock Point Inventory

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000) session.

Item Lot Inventory

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Warehouse - Item - Lots Inventory (whltc1505m000) session.

Item Serial Inventory

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Item - Serials and Warehouses (whltc5100m000) session.

Company Inventory

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Item - Companies and Warehouses Inventory (whwmd2540m000) session.

Inventory Handling
Production Order Advice

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Production Order Advice (whina3100m000) session.

Purchase Order Advice

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Purchase Order Advice (whina3110m000) session.

Item Order Plan

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Item Order Plan (cprrp0520m000) session.

Warehousing Orders

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session.

Handling Units

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Handling Units (whwmd5130m000) session.

Inventory Analysis
ABC Analysis

Access the Perform ABC Analysis (whina6210m000) session to perform an ABC analysis for the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Slow-Moving Analysis

Access the Perform Slow-Moving Analysis (whina6220m000) session to perform a slow-moving analysis for the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Economic Order Quantity

Access the Calculate Economic Order Quantity (Camp) (whina2201m000) session to calculate the economic order quantity for the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Demand Forecast

Access the Calculate Demand Forecast (whina2202m000) session to make a demand forecast for the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Inventory Valuation

Access the Perform Inventory Valuation (whina1210m000) session to perform an inventory valuation for the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Special Inventory
Consignment Inventory

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Consigned Inventory (whwmd2518m000) session.

Quarantine Inventory

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2171m000) session.

Project Pegged Inventory

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Project Pegged Inventory - Detailed Views (whwmd2560m100) session.

Negative Inventory

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Item - Warehouse - Negative Inventory (whwmd2555m000) session.

Inventory Transactions
Planned Transactions

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1500m000) session.

Item Transactions

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Item - Warehouse - Inventory Transactions (whinr1510m000) session.

Inventory Commitment

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Inventory Commitments (whinp2100m000) session.

Inventory Blocking

If this check box is selected, information about the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session is available in the Warehouse - Location - Item - Blocked Stock Points (whwmd6130m000) session.

Warehouse Order Planning
Generate Order Advice (SIC)

Access the Generate Order Advice (SIC) (whina3200m000) session to generate order advice for the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Generate Orders (KANBAN)

Access the Generate Orders (KANBAN) (whinh2200m000) session to generate KANBAN orders for the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Generate Orders (TPOP)

Access the Generate Orders (TPOP) (whinh2201m000) session to generate TPOP orders for the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Easy Order Entry

Access the Easy Entry Warehousing Order (whinh2202m000) session to generate warehousing orders for the item that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.


In LN, the raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, sold, and so on.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not held in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The following are examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)
Item Type

A classification of items used to identify if the item is, for example, a purchased item, a manufactured item, or an equipment item. Depending on the item's type, certain functions will only apply to that item.

On Hand

The inventory on hand for the item.

LN updates the inventory on hand if items are received or issued.


This field shows the aggregated inventory on hand for all warehouses present in the company, even if a warehouse is specified in the Warehouse field. To display the inventory on hand for the specified warehouse, add the On Hand [ - ] field from the customized grid. For further details on the customized grid, refer to the session Help of this session.

On Hand

The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.


The inventory on hold for the item.

Related topics

On Order

The inventory on order for the item.


The allocated inventory for the item.

In Transit

The inventory in transit for the item. The quantity in transit is expressed in the inventory unit. If a transfer between two warehouses has been issued but not yet received, the quantity in transit is increased. If a transfer has been received at the other warehouse, the quantity in transit is decreased. After being confirmed in the issuing warehouse, you can receive the items in the destination warehouse.


The item quantity that is committed to any order for which inventory must be issued.

The quantity is expressed in the inventory unit.

Related topics

Economic Stock

The inventory that is available to be sold.

By Specification

The inventory on hand allocated to demand orders by means of specifications.

LN updates the inventory on hand if items are received or issued.


LN automatically updates the overall inventory on hand for each item throughout all warehouses. The overall inventory on hand is displayed in the Item Inventory (tcibd1500s100) session.

Blocked for Planning

The quantity excluded from planning by Enterprise Planning.

Location Allocated

Inventory stored in specific warehouses or warehouse locations that is allocated to outbound order lines for which outbound advice is created that is not yet shipped. Also referred to as firm allocation or hard allocation. After the inventory is shipped, that is, has left the warehouse, the allocation is deleted.

The allocated inventory is updated by outbound order lines of the following origins:

  • Sales
  • Maintenance sales
  • Maintenance work
  • SFC Production
  • ASC Production
  • Service
  • Transfer
  • Project

If outbound advice is generated, this quantity is increased. When the outbound advice is released, this quantity is decreased with the shipped quantity.

Quotation Allocations
Company Owned on Hand

The company owned inventory on hand for the item.

Company owned inventory on hand = inventory on hand - aggregated consigned inventory on hand - customer owned inventory on hand.

The inventory is aggregated from all warehouses of the logistic company.

Company Owned on Order

The aggregated company owned inventory on order for the item.

Company Owned Location Allocated

The company owned location allocated inventory for the item.

Company Owned in Transit

The company owned inventory in transit for the item. The quantity in transit is expressed in the inventory unit. If a transfer between two warehouses has been issued but not yet received, the quantity in transit is increased. If a transfer has been received at the other warehouse, the quantity in transit is decreased. After being confirmed in the issuing warehouse, you can receive the items in the destination warehouse.

Consigned on Hand

The consigned inventory on hand for the item.

Consigned on Order

The consigned inventory on order for the item.

Consigned Location Allocated

The consigned location allocated inventory for the item.

Consigned in Transit

The consigned inventory in transit for the item. The quantity in transit is expressed in the inventory unit. If a transfer between two warehouses has been issued but not yet received, the quantity in transit is increased. If a transfer has been received at the other warehouse, the quantity in transit is decreased. After being confirmed in the issuing warehouse, you can receive the items in the destination warehouse.

Customer Owned on Hand
Customer Owned on Order
Customer Owned Location Allocated

The customer owned location allocated inventory for the item.

Customer Owned in Transit

The customer owned inventory in transit for the item. The quantity in transit is expressed in the inventory unit. If a transfer between two warehouses has been issued but not yet received, the quantity in transit is increased. If a transfer has been received at the other warehouse, the quantity in transit is decreased. After being confirmed in the issuing warehouse, you can receive the items in the destination warehouse.

On Order Determined at Picking

The inventory on order whose ownership changes when picked.

On order inventory determined at picking = inventory on order- customer owned inventory on order - consigned inventory on order - customer owned inventory on order

Allocated Determined at Picking

The location allocated inventory whose ownership changes when picked.

Location allocated inventory determined at picking = location allocated inventory - customer owned location allocated inventory - consigned location allocated inventory - customer owned location allocated inventory

Last Transaction Date

The date of the item's last physical inventory transaction for a warehouse. This implies that only changes in the inventory on hand cause this date to change.

Cumulative Issue

The standard item's cumulative issue for all warehouses of the current logistic company.

Cumulative Purchase Receipt

The quantity of cumulative purchase receipts of the item from all warehouses of the current logistic company based on which the average purchase price is calculated.

Warehouse On Hand

The inventory on hand for the item and the specified warehouse.

Warehouse Blocked

The inventory on hold for the item and the specified warehouse.

Related topics

Warehouse On Order

The inventory on order for the item and the specified warehouse.

Warehouse Allocated

The allocated inventory for the item and the specified warehouse.

Location Allocated [-]

The location allocated inventory for the item and the specified warehouse.

In Transit [-]

The inventory in transit for the item and the specified warehouse. The quantity in transit is expressed in the inventory unit. If a transfer between two warehouses has been issued but not yet received, the quantity in transit is increased. If a transfer has been received at the other warehouse, the quantity in transit is decreased. After being confirmed in the issuing warehouse, you can receive the items in the destination warehouse.

Warehouse Committed

For the specified warehouse, the item quantity that is committed to any order for which inventory must be issued.

The quantity is expressed in the inventory unit.

Related topics

Warehouse Economic Stock

The economic stock for the item and the specified warehouse.

By Specification

The inventory on hand allocated to demand orders by means of specifications for the item and the specified warehouse.

Company Owned On HandWarehouse

The company owned inventory on hand for the item and the specified warehouse.

Company owned inventory on hand = inventory on hand - consigned inventory on hand - customer owned inventory on hand.

Company Owned On OrderWarehouse

The company owned inventory on order for the item and the specified warehouse.

Company Owned Location Allocated [-]

The company owned location allocated inventory for the item and the specified warehouse.

Company Owned In TransitWarehouse

The company owned inventory in transit for the item and the specified warehouse. The quantity in transit is expressed in the inventory unit. If a transfer between two warehouses has been issued but not yet received, the quantity in transit is increased. If a transfer has been received at the other warehouse, the quantity in transit is decreased. After being confirmed in the issuing warehouse, you can receive the items in the destination warehouse.

Consignment On HandWarehouse

The consigned inventory on hand for the item and the specified warehouse.

Consignment On OrderWarehouse

The consigned inventory on order for the item and the specified warehouse.

Consigned Inventory Location Allocated [-]

The consigned location allocated inventory for the item and the specified warehouse.

Consigned Inventory in Transit [-]

The consigned inventory in transit for the item and the specified warehouse. The quantity in transit is expressed in the inventory unit. If a transfer between two warehouses has been issued but not yet received, the quantity in transit is increased. If a transfer has been received at the other warehouse, the quantity in transit is decreased. After being confirmed in the issuing warehouse, you can receive the items in the destination warehouse.

Customer Owned On HandWarehouse

The customer owned inventory on hand for the item and the specified warehouse.

Customer Owned On OrderWarehouse

The customer owned inventory on order for the item and the specified warehouse.

Customer Owned Location Allocated [-]

The customer owned location allocated inventory for the item and the specified warehouse.

Customer Owned In TransitWarehouse

The customer owned inventory in transit for the item and the specified warehouse. The quantity in transit is expressed in the inventory unit. If a transfer between two warehouses has been issued but not yet received, the quantity in transit is increased. If a transfer has been received at the other warehouse, the quantity in transit is decreased. After being confirmed in the issuing warehouse, you can receive the items in the destination warehouse.

Determined at PickingWarehouse

For the item and the specified warehouse, the inventory on hand whose ownership changes when picked.

Location Allocated Determined at Picking [-]

For the item and the specified warehouse, the location allocated inventory whose ownership changes when picked.

Location allocated inventory determined at picking = location allocated inventory - customer owned location allocated inventory - consigned location allocated inventory - customer owned location allocated inventory


Warehouse Inventory

Access the Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000) session.

Stock Point Inventory

Access the Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000) session.

Item Lot Inventory

Access the Warehouse - Item - Lots Inventory (whltc1505m000) session.

Item Serial Inventory

Access the Item - Serials and Warehouses (whltc5100m000) session.

Companies and Warehouses Inventory

Access the Item - Companies and Warehouses Inventory (whwmd2540m000) session.

Production Order Advice

Access the Production Order Advice (whina3100m000) session.

Purchase Order Advice

Access the Purchase Order Advice (whina3110m000) session.

Generate Order Advice (SIC)

Access the Generate Order Advice (SIC) (whina3200m000) session.

Generate Orders (KANBAN)

Access the Generate Orders (KANBAN) (whinh2200m000) session.

Generate Orders (TPOP)

Access the Generate Orders (TPOP) (whinh2201m000) session.

ABC Analysis

Access the Perform ABC Analysis (whina6210m000) session.

Slow-Moving Analysis

Access the Perform Slow-Moving Analysis (whina6220m000) session.

Economic Order Quantity

Access the Calculate Economic Order Quantity (Camp) (whina2201m000) session.

Demand Forecast

Access the Calculate Demand Forecast (whina2202m000) session.

Inventory Valuation

Access the Perform Inventory Valuation (whina1210m000) session.

Consignment Inventory

Starts the Consigned Inventory (whwmd2518m000) session.

Quarantine Inventory

Access the Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2171m000) session.

Project Pegged Inventory

Access the Project Pegged Inventory - Detailed Views (whwmd2560m100) session.

Negative Inventory

Access the Item - Warehouse - Negative Inventory (whwmd2555m000) session.

Inventory Commitment

Access the Inventory Commitments (whinp2100m000) session.

Inventory Blocking

Access the Warehouse - Location - Item - Blocked Stock Points (whwmd6130m000) session.

Handling Units

Access the Handling Units (whwmd5130m000) session.

Easy Order Entry

Access the Easy Entry Warehousing Order (whinh2202m000) session.

Planned Inventory Transactions

Access the Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1500m000) session.

Item Order Plan

Access the Item Order Plan (cprrp0520m000) session.

Item Warehouse Inventory Transactions

Access the Item - Warehouse - Inventory Transactions (whinr1510m000) session.

Warehousing Orders

Access the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session.

Items - Warehousing

Access the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session.

Items - General

Access the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session.

Chart Planned Transactions

Access the Planned Inventory Transactions - Chart (whinp1700m000) session.

Warehouse Manager Dashboard

Access the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session.

Warehouse 360

Access the Warehouse 360 (whwmd2300m000) session.

Generate Cross-Dock Orders

Access the Generate Cross-dock Orders and Cross-dock Order Lines (whinh6200m000) session.

Easy Adjustment Entry

Access the Easy Adjustment Entry (whinh5202m000) session.

Items Dashboard

Access the Production Item 360 (timfc1500m000) session.

Adjustment Orders

Access the Adjustment Orders (whinh5120m000) session.

Cross-dock Orders

Access the Cross-dock Orders (whinh6100m000) session.

Print Warehouse - Items Inventory

Starts the Print Warehouse - Items Inventory (whwmd2410m000) session. By default, LN starts this session to print the report.