Inventory variance posting

Processing of inventory variances results in financial transactions that clear the interim variance account, and if possible assign the variance to inventory. The Variance Posting Date parameter in the Inventory Analysis Parameters (whina0100m000) session indicates the date on which the inventory variances are posted in the Financials. Variances are posted when you run the Process Inventory Variances (whina1200m000) session. You can select from the following options:

Variance posting date

  • Goods Receipt Date
  • Variance Transaction Date
  • Variance Processing Date
Goods Receipt Date

This option posts the processed inventory variances based on the transaction date on which the goods are received in the Warehousing.

Variance Transaction Date

This option posts the processed inventory variances based on the date on which the variance is actually recognized.

The date on which the variance is recognized depends on these scenarios:

  • Production

    For production variances like additional calculation office variance, efficiency variance, production price variance and so on, the variance posting date is the closing date of the production order. Same is the case for production variances where no end items are received in the Warehousing.

  • Invoice approval

    For inventory variances related to invoice approval like invoice variance and expensed tax the variance posting date is the date when invoice is approved.

  • Receipt price change

    For inventory variances related to receipt price change, the variance posting date is the date when price change is entered.

Variance Processing Date

This option posts inventory variances on the date the variances are processed that is the current date.

You must use this option for the following inventory valuation methods:

  • Moving Average Unit Cost (MAUC)
  • MAUC (by Warehouse)

It is not mandatory to set this parameter to Variance Processing Date in case of MAUC valuation. LN ignores this parameter in case of MAUC valuation and variances are always processed on the variance processing date.


The Variance Processing Date (current date) cannot be prior to:

  • The transaction date of the linked receipt.

  • The historical stock date.

  • The inventory valuation method change date.