| Not-shipped quantitiesYou can set goods to not shipped, for example,
because the loading capacity of the truck is insufficient. Adjusting quantities is allowed if the shipment
line status is Open. If a not-shipped quantity exists, you can do either of the
following: Create an automatic adjustment for the difference by
selecting the Automatic Adjustment of Quantity Not Shipped check box in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session. If you select this check box, you must also
specify a reason in the Reason field. LN makes
the adjustment if you confirm the shipment line. -
If you confirm a shipment line with a not-shipped quantity, LN: - Decreases the outbound order line's Expected Not Shipped Quantity with the shipment line's Not Shipped Quantity in Inventory Unit.
- Increases the outbound order line's not-shipped quantity with
the shipment line's Not Shipped Quantity in Inventory Unit.
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