To specify multiple stock points for handling unit template

The Allow multiple stock points for shipping check box in the Handling Unit Templates (whwmd4160m000) session is used to determine whether multiple stock points are allowed for a node level in a handling unit template. If this check box is selected for the bottom level, bottom level handling units generated for shipment lines can contain items with different stock points.

This check box is applicable for handling units created for shipment lines containing items:

For each stock point contained in a handling unit, a handling unit stock point detail line is created in the Handling Unit Stock Point Details (whwmd5136m000) session.

Allowing multiple stock points for one or more of the node levels of a handling unit template impacts the handling unit structures created based on the handling unit template.

  • Shipment lines created from transfer orders cannot contain bottom-level handling units with multiple stock point details, regardless of the setting of the Allow multiple stock points for shipping check box for the handling unit template. This is because for receipts of handling units, multiple stock points are not supported.

    However, multiple stock points are allowed in the bottom-level handling units of the transfer-order shipment line if handling units are not allowed:

    • In the receiving warehouse.
    • According to the settings specified for the receiving warehouse in the Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000) session.
  • To allow multiple stock points in bottom level handling units on shipment lines, the Consolidate Stock Points in one Shipment Line check box in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session must be selected in addition to the Allow multiple stock points for shipping check box in the Handling Unit Templates (whwmd4160m000) session.

    If the Consolidate Stock Points in one Shipment Line check box is cleared, only one stock point detail line is created in the Shipment Line Stock Point Details (whinh4133m000) session for a shipment line. When handling units are generated for this shipment line, the bottom level handling unit does not contain multiple stock point details, because the bottom level handling unit cannot refer to multiple shipment lines.

  • The Allow multiple stock points for shipping check box has no impact on the inbound flow. Consequently, multiple stock points are not allowed in inbound handling units.