Processing handling unit dispositions

If handling units are present in quarantine, you can process or specify dispositions for the handling units or the entire quarantine ID. You cannot handle individual disposition lines, because a disposition line can be related to a part of a handling unit and processing a part of a handling unit is not allowed.

For example, a disposition line is related to a part of a handling unit if for a quarantine ID one handling unit and multiple disposition lines are present. Each disposition line has one high volume serialized item and the handling unit contains all of the serialized items.

When processed, handling units with dispositions unequal to the disposition of the parent are unlinked from the handling unit structure. Also, if you process a part of a handling unit structure or an individual bottom-level handling unit, the processed handling units are unlinked from the handling unit structure.

The related disposition lines are also processed. If more than one handling unit is present for a disposition line and one of the handling units is processed, the disposition line is split.


Disposition line A00010 has a quantity of 20 and has disposition Scrap. Disposition line A00010 is linked to handling units HU001 and HU002. Each handling unit has disposition Scrap and a quantity of 10.

When HU001 is processed, a new disposition line is added: A00020 with a quantity of 10 and disposition Scrap. When handling units are processed, the processing information is updated in the Handling Unit Process Quarantine (whwmd2173m000) session.

Use as is/no fault found

When handling units with disposition Use As Is or No Fault Found, the handling units are directly stored in the warehouse and obtain status In Stock if no locations apply.

If locations apply, the handling unit obtains status In Stock if the inbound advice is put away. If handling units are not used in the warehouse, the handling unit obtains status Closed and the items are stored without handling units.


A scrapped handling unit obtains status Closed. The items contained in the handling unit are removed through an adjustment order.

Return to vendor/Rework to existing or new specification

The statuses of handling units with dispositions Rework (to Existing Specification), Rework (to New Specification), or Return to Vendor remain Quarantine until the outbound advice is created for the outbound order lines of the purchase return order or production rework order.

When the handling units are advised, the status becomes Allocated. If the outbound advice is removed for some reason, the handling unit status is reset to Quarantine. If handling units are not used in the outbound process for the warehouse-item combination, the handling units are set to Closed and the outbound process is performed without handling units.


When processing handling units with disposition Reclassify, handling units with identical target items, disposition reasons, quarantine locations, and ownership are advised for the same transfer order line. When the handling units are advised, the status becomes Allocated.