How to specify inspection results for handling units

  1. Look up the inspection in the Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000) session.
  2. Select the inspection.
  3. On the toolbar, click the Handling Unit Tree.
  4. In the Handling Unit Tree, you can:

    • Approve, reject, or destroy an entire handling unit including its children, if present.
    • For bottom handling units only, approve, reject, or destroy the items contained.

Approve or reject handling unit including children

  1. In the Handling Unit Tree, select the handling unit.
  2. On the toolbar, click Approve Remaining or Reject Remaining. If you click Reject Remaining, select a reject reason in the dialog box that is displayed.
  3. Save and close the Handling Unit Tree.

To destroy the entire quantity of a handling unit including children, if present, see the following list.

Approve, reject, or destroy bottom-level handling units

  1. In the Handling Unit Tree, select the handling unit.
  2. From the appropriate menu, select Inspect Handling Unit to open the Inspect Handling Unit (whinh2234m000) session.
  3. Specify the quantities to approve, reject, or (inbound only) destroy. If you reject or destroy items, enter a reject or destroy reason. If the items have stock point details, see the following list.
  4. Save and close the Inspect Handling Unit (whinh2234m000) session.
  5. Save and close the Handling Unit Tree.

Approve, reject, or destroy bottom-level handling units with stock point details

  1. Do either of the following:

    • In the Inspect Handling Unit (whinh2234m000) session, click Stock Point Details.
    • In the Handling Unit Tree, select Stock Point Details from the appropriate menu.
  2. In the Handling Unit Stock Point Details (whwmd5136m000) session that opens, specify the quantities to approve, reject, or (inbound only) destroy. If you reject or destroy items, enter a reject or destroy reason.

If the items in the handling unit are high volume serialized, and the handling units correspond to multiple inspection lines, you must register the serial numbers before specifying the inspection results. For more information, refer to Serial registration for inspection handling units.