Receipt delivery messages

To provide information about individual receipts taking place in a VMI warehouse, the following messages are used:

  • ReceiveDelivery
  • CustomerReceiveDelivery
Customer to supplier

Confirming a receipt in the VMI warehouse triggers the creation of the ReceiveDelivery message. This message contains information about the confirmed receipt, such as the item, and the quantity. This message is relayed to Infor ION, which takes care of the routing to the party who requires this information to update the administrative warehouse.

The CustomerReceiveDelivery message is received in LN to update the administrative warehouse. The information contained in the CustomerReceiveDelivery message is copied from the ReceiveDelivery message. When LN receives this message from Infor ION, LN uses the information contained in the message to create and automatically confirm a receipt into the administrative warehouse.

If the customer manages the VMI warehouse, he sends the ReceiveDelivery message to inform the supplier of a receipt in the VMI warehouse.

The supplier subscribes to the CustomerReceiveDelivery message because he owns the inventory or is responsible for replenishment. He requires the receipt information for invoicing or supply planning.

Supplier to customer

If the supplier manages the VMI warehouse, he sends the ReceiveDelivery message to inform the customer of a receipt in the VMI warehouse. This message is automatically created and sent when the supplier confirms a receipt.

The customer subscribes to the CustomerReceiveDelivery message because he owns the inventory or is responsible for replenishment. He requires the receipt information for supply planning or checking how much is available for consumption.