Examples of warehousing procedures

This topic shows a few examples of warehousing procedures that you can define to meet the requirements of your warehouse.

Receipt Procedure

The simplest receipt procedure comprises only the mandatory activities, which, in addition, you can make LN perform automatically:

More complex receipt procedures in your warehouse may require you to select more of the available activities of the Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000) session and set these activities to manual performance in order to enable users to record any changes in quantities received, quantities stored, storage locations, and so on.

Of course, if your inbound goods flow includes inspections, you can also select the Inspection Procedure.

Outbound Procedure

The simplest outbound procedure comprises only the mandatory activities, which, in addition, you can make LN perform automatically:

More complex outbound procedures in your warehouse may require you to select more of the available activities of the Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000) session and set these activities to manual performance in order to enable users to record any changes in quantities issued, pick locations, and so on.


In the Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000) session, select the Automatic check box to make LN perform these activities automatically.