Receipts Filter (whinh3226m000)

Use this session to to look up inbound orders, inbound order lines and ASN lines and link them to a receipt, or to look up receipt lines and unlink them from the receipt.

After you fill the search criteria fields and click OK in this session, the search results are:

  • Displayed in the Receipt Filter Result (whinh3540m000) session, in which you can select order lines or ASN lines found by the search and link them to the receipt.
  • Linked to the receipt
  • Unlinked from the receipt

This depends on the option you used to access this session.

For information on how to perform searches in the receipt filter to look up inbound orders, inbound order lines and ASN lines, see Receipt filter search criteria.



The sequence number assigned to every individual receipt of goods.

Expected Today

If this check box is selected, LN only searches expected orders with a planned-receipt date that is equal to the current date. To perform searches based on component item codes, the Components Issue Lines check box must be selected.

Components Issue Lines

If this check box is selected, LN also performs searches based on component item codes.

Item Identification

If this check box is selected, LN also performs searches for order lines (no ASN lines) based on item identification.

Item identification comprises the following types of ID codes:

  • Effectivity unit
  • Serial number
  • Lot number
  • Revision number

The item or item related search criteria for expected order lines or ASN lines. Expected order lines or ASN lines associated with records whose ID codes match the ID code entered in this field will be linked to the receipt. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.

In this field, you can enter any of the following types of ID codes to search for expected order lines or ASN lines.

  • Item
  • The EAN Code that is linked to the required item in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session.
  • An alternative item code based on the item code systems specified in the Item Code System for Receipts (1) fields of the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.
  • Component item
    To perform searches based on component item codes, the Components Issue Lines check box must be selected.
  • Item identification

    To search for order lines (no ASN lines) based on item identification, the Item Identification check box must be selected. Item identification comprises the following types of ID codes:

    • Effectivity unit
    • Serial number
    • Lot number
    • Revision number

The reference to be used as a search criterion for expected order lines. Expected order lines with matching references will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.

Ship-from Code

The ship-from code to be used as a search criterion for expected order lines. Expected order lines with matching ship-from codes will be retrieved.

The ship-from code search engine works as follows:

  1. It the ship-from code entered in this field relates to a business partner, expected order lines for this business partner are shown.
  2. If no business partner is found, the search engine looks for a warehouse that matches the ship-from code entered in this field. If found, expected order lines linked to the warehouse are retrieved.
  3. If no warehouse is found, the search engine looks for a project that matches the ship-from code entered in this field. If found, expected order lines linked to the project are retrieved.
  4. If no project is found, the search engine looks for a work center that matches the ship-from code entered in this field. If found, expected order lines linked to the work center are retrieved.

If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.


The warehouse to be used as a search criterion for expected order lines. Expected order lines with matching warehouses will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, receipt lines are searched.


The receipt location to be used as a search criterion for expected order lines. Expected order lines with matching receipt locations will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, receipt lines are searched.

Packing Slip

The packing slip to be used as a search criterion for ASN lines. ASN lines with matching packing slips will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, receipt lines are searched.

Order Origin

The order origin to be used as a search criterion for expected order lines. Expected order lines with matching order origins will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, receipt lines are searched.


The carrier to be used as a search criterion for expected order lines. Expected order lines with matching carriers will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.


The load ID code to be used as a search criterion for ASN lines. Matching planned loads and shipments or expected ASN lines with matching planned loads and shipments will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, receipt lines are searched.

Handling Unit

The handling unit to be used as a search criterion for expected order lines and ASN lines. Expected order lines and ASN lines with matching handling units will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, receipt lines are searched.


The shipment notice to be used as a search criterion for ASN lines. ASN lines with matching shipment notices will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.


The expected order or expected order line that will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, receipt lines linked to the order that you enter are searched.


The order line that is to be linked to the receipt. For more information, refer to Receipt filter search criteria.


The received quantity.

If you enter a quantity in this field, LN enters this quantity as the received quantity in the receipt line. This quantity can differ from the quantity on the order line. For more information, refer to Receipt filter search criteria.


The unit in which the received quantity is expressed.

If you enter a unit in this field, LN enters this unit as the storage unit in the receipt line. For more information, refer to Receipt filter search criteria.

Receipt Date Range

The first date of the receipt date range that LN must use to search for expected order lines or ASN lines. Expected order lines and ASN lines whose receipt dates match the dates within the range are retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.

Receipt Date Range

The last date of the receipt date range that LN must use to search for expected order lines and ASN lines. Expected order lines and ASN lines whose receipt dates match the dates within the range are retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.


View Filter Result

LN displays the filter results in the Receipt Filter Result (whinh3540m000) session from which you can select the required order lines or ASN lines to be linked to the receipt.

Link Filter Result

LN directly links the filter results to the receipt without showing them first.

Unlink Filter Result

LN directly unlinks the filter results from the receipt without showing them first.

Clear Fields

Clears the filter selection fields of the current session.

Restore Fields

Fills the filter selection fields of the current session with the previously entered selection data.