Cancel Work Order Activity

You can cancel activities linked to a work order. Infor LN allows you to cancel the activities only if no actual costs are associated with the work order activities and the Order Status is set to Planned or Released or Completed or Signed-Off in the Work Order Activities (tswcs2110m000) session. After cancelling a work order activity, you can post the work order activity to history.

If actual cost are associated with the work order activity and you cancel the activity, Infor LN selects the Initiate Cancelation check box in the Work Order Activities (tswcs2110m000) session. This check box indicates that the cancellation process is initiated for the activity. Infor LN allows you to cancel the activity only after the activity is closed.

Cancel Related Work Order

A work order can have one or more child work orders. These child work orders are referred to as related work orders. When a number of sub-processes are linked to a work order and each sub-process has number of associated sub-processes, a hierarchy is established. When you cancel a parent work order, all the underlying sub-processes must be cancelled.

  • To cancel the related work order, you must cancel the parent work order. The work order can be canceled only if no actual cost are available on work order and/or related work order.
  • If you cancel an activity of a work order, for which a related work order exists, you must specify the related work order in the Work Order Material Resources (tswcs4110m000) session.