Quote Status

Customers who approach the service providers for item service/repair require a quote/price proposal of the service activity before the actual service is performed. LN assigns several statuses to a price proposal before a maintenance sales order is created so that the repair work can start.

LN changes the status of a price proposal based on the action performed on the proposal:

Quote Status

  • Free: When a quote is created, the status is Free.
  • Approved: When the quote is approved internally, the status is set to Approved. The quote can be printed and sent to the customer.
  • Printed: When a quote is printed as an external document and sent to a customer for review, the status of the quote is changed to Printed.

    In case the customer wants to negotiate the quote, the status of the quote is again changed to Free. After the necessary changes are incorporated in the quote, the quote is again printed and sent to the customer for review. A customer can review the quote many times before the quote is finally accepted.


    To change the status of the quote from Printed to Free, use the option Make Correction in the appropriate menu of the following sessions:

    • Maintenance Sales Quotations (tsepp1100m000).
    • Maintenance Sales Quotation (tsepp1100m100).
  • Negotiating: Indicates that the negotiations about the selected quote are in progress. This status must be set manually.
  • Accepted: After the customer accepts the quote, the status of the quote changes to Accepted.

  • Rejected: Indicates that the proposed Quote has been rejected by the customer.
  • Processed: After the customer accepts the proposal, use the option Process in the appropriate menu to create a maintenance sales order from the quote data. The status of the quote changes to Processed. All the quote lines that are linked to the quote are copied to the maintenance sales order as Part Maintenance Lines.
  • Canceled: Indicates that the quote is cancelled. Only the quotes with the status Free, Printed or Negotiating can be cancelled.
  • Lost: Indicates that the customer has selected another supplier. This status must be set manually. This status is applicable only for Quotes that are not generated from another object.

Only the effective quotes with the Accepted status are processed to a maintenance sales order. LN classifies a quote as effective when the current date falls between the effective date and the expiry date of the quote.