Notification for existing calls

When you register a new call, LN notifies you of the calls registered previously for the sold-to business partner, installation group, or serialized item.

LN notifies about the calls that are completed, in process, or registered by other call takers with the customer.

To control the search for existing calls, the user can set the Search Based on parameters in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session.

When a new call is registered, LN searches for existing calls based on the following attributes:

  • None: When a new call is registered, LN does not search for existing calls.
  • sold-to business partner: When a new call is registered, LN checks for any existing calls for the sold-to business partner specified for the call.
  • installation group: When a new call is registered, LN Service checks if for any existing calls for the Installation group specified for the call.
  • serialized item: When a new call is registered, LN Service checks for are any existing calls for the Installation group specified for the call.

If any existing calls meet the search conditions specified, LN Service notifies the user, who can view the existing calls according to the parameters set.

By viewing the existing calls, the user can determine whether a call was in fact logged previously, which helps the user to avoid duplicate calls to view and update the existing calls.


The Search Based on field is set to Sold-to Business Partner In that case, if the user registers a call for Sold-to Business Partner A, LN Service notifies the user about all the existing calls for Sold-to Business Partner A.


In the Call (tsclm1100m000) Session, the user can always view the existing calls by Sold-to Business Partner, Installation Groups (tsbsc1100m000) or Serialized Item.