Call priority

Call priorities are used to rank calls for call handling purposes.

A call has two priorities:

  • an initial priority.
  • an actual priority.

If in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session, you select in the Priority Definition field:

  • Solution Start Period, LN uses a call's solution start time to determine the priorities of the call.
  • Solution Finish Period, LN uses a call's solution finish time to determine the priorities of the call.
Initial priority

When the call is registered, LN calculates the amount of time left to call solution and, based on this value allocates an initial priority, from the range of priorities defined in the Priority Time Scale (tsclm0124m000) session.

Actual priority

When the call's processing begins and the call timer starts, LN determines the actual time left to call solution (start or finish) and based on this value allocates an actual priority to the call from the range of priorities defined in the Priority Time Scale (tsclm0124m000) session.


A call's solution time is determined by its response time.

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