Calculation actual time left and reaction time

The reaction time and the actual time left to solve a call are calculated based on the reported solution times and the priority factors that are assigned to the sold-to business partner, the problem, the bad fix, and the serialized item.

total priority factor = (BP priority / 100) * (problem priority / 100) * (item priority / 100) * (bad fix / 100)
lead time for the reaction = priority factor * reaction period
actual time left to solve the call = priority factor * solution start period or solution finish period.

Based on the reported date, the lead time for the reaction or the solution and the calendar linked to response periods, the reaction time or the actual time left will be calculated.

  • Priorities are only used if, in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session, the Use Priorities in Response Time Calculation check box is selected.
  • The bad fix priority is only used when applicable, that is, if the call is considered a bad fix.
  • LN enables service companies to base their business flows on reaction time, solution start time, or solution finish time, by using the appropriate views in the calls sessions and the appropriate response time definitions.