Time intervals for invoicing

Time intervals for invoicing are used in Service to determine which proportion (if any) of time that is spent on resolving calls is finally invoiced to the business partner.

You can create invoices for each interval of, for example, 5, 10, or more minutes. If the call is solved within this interval, no invoice is created, as in that case the costs of billing exceed the revenues. If, however, the costs are covered by a contract, the actual time spent must always be added to the covered time spent earlier.

You can include time intervals for invoicing in contract terms. For example, there can a ceiling on the invoiceable time spent per call. Subsequently, either a fixed amount or the actual value can be invoiced.

  • Units are defined as minutes.
  • Lower limit 10 minutes.
  • Upper limit 25 minutes.
  • Multiple is 7.
  • Rounding method is normal.
  • The time logged for the call is 17 minutes.

The value lies between the upper and lower limits, which means that the multiple applies. The result is 17 divided by 7, which gives 2.4 units.

Rounding is normal, so 2 units are invoiced to the business partner. If you use Down, 2.9 is rounded to 2. If you use Up, 2.4 is rounded to 3 units.

If you must invoice the actual spent time, the upper limit does not need to be filled in, and the multiple can be 1. In such cases, the rounding method is no longer relevant.

If the multiple is 27 and the upper limit 25, the upper limit has priority.


If the call is transferred to a service order, these units must also be assigned to the service order.