Response time

Response times are used to calculate the initial and actual priorities of a call and planned dates.

You can link response times to terms and coverage terms of the following

  • Service contracts
  • Service contract templates
  • Service contract quotations
  • Warranties
  • Service order activities
  • Call parameters
  • Business partners

The response time is the maximum elapsed time between the registration of the call and the response. Response times cannot be registered manually. To determine what response time is used, LN considers the service contracts, the general information for this specific business partner, and the corresponding Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) parameter.

The Call Management module uses response times in the following way:

When you register a call, LN allocates a response time to the call by the following search path:

  1. If the call's Installation group, or item, is covered by a service contract, the call's response time is the response time defined for the service contract.
  2. If no service contract is defined for the call (or no response time defined for the service contract), LN allocates the response time code defined for the call's sold-to business partner.
  3. If no response time code is defined for the call's sold-to business partner, LN allocates the response time code defined in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session.

LN calculates the various response time of a call as follows:

  • Reaction time = registration time + response period
  • Solution start time = registration time + solution start period
  • Solution finish time = registration time + solution finish period
  • If the Use Priorities in Response Time Calculation check box is selected in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session, any priority defined for a call will affect (decrease) the response time, solution start time, and solution finish time.
  • LN uses the call's solution times to determine the call priority. For details, refer to Call priority.