Line Origin

  • Part Line

    Used to create a coverage line during the creation of a part maintenance line with the Method field set to Fixed Order Price.

    Used to create a coverage line with Cost Type field set to Material, during the creation of a part delivery/loan/receipt line.

  • Additional Line

    Used when a coverage line is created manually, when a user added additional cost or revenue information, for example, shipping costs. Cost type will be Other for all lines of line type Additional Line.

  • Work Order

    Used when a coverage line is created due to transfer of costs from the related work order in the Work Control System module. This value cannot be selected during manual entry of a coverage line.

  • Freight Order

    Used when a coverage line is created due to transfer of costs in the Freight module. This value cannot be selected during manual entry of a coverage line.

  • Part Activity Line

    Used to create a coverage line during the creation of a part activity line with the Method field set to Fixed Order Price.