Contract Deliverables Schedule (tppdm7100m200)

Use this session to create and maintain schedules for the contract deliverable lines.



The code that uniquely identifies the contract.


The description or name of the code.

Contract Line

The contract line number.


The description or name of the code.


The contract deliverable line number.


The deliverable schedule line number.

Contract Status

The contract status.

  • If the contract header status is Canceled, all the lines are also set to Canceled.
Contract Line Status

The contract line status.

  • The contract line can be set to Active only if the contract is set to Active.
  • If the contract header status is Canceled, all the lines are also set to Canceled.
Sold-to Business Partner

The sold-to business partner for the contract deliverable line.


The description or name of the code.


The type of deliverable for the contract deliverable line.

Item Coding System

An external, alternate way of coding items. Coding systems can be general standard systems (such as EAN) or systems that are dependent on a specific business partner.

Alternative Item Code

The alternative item code for the item in the selected item code system. LN prints this item code of the contract deliverable item on the invoice, if the Invoice Type field in the Contracts (tpctm1100m000) is set Delivery Based and if the Customer Item Code checkbox in the Invoicing Methods (tcmcs0155s000) session is selected.


The code of the standard or customized item.


The description or name of the code.

Standard Description

If this check box is selected, the item description is printed on the deliverable invoice. If this check box is cleared, only the deliverable line text, if present, is printed on the deliverable invoice.


The item description is copied while copying the deliverable lines, creating deliverable schedules, backorders and returns. This field is disabled when the item is delivered.

Export License Required

If this check box is selected, an export license is required to export the deliverables.

Effectivity Unit

The effectivity unit code for the project deliverable item.


The description or name of the code.


The warehouse from which the deliverables can be shipped to the customer .


The description or name of the code.

Lot Selection

The lot selection type applicable to the deliverable line.

Allowed values

Lot Selection.

Lot Selection

The lot number.

Serial Selection

The method to determine whether serial selection is applied to the deliverable line.

Allowed values

Serial Selection.

Serial Selection

The serial number of the item.

Ordered Quantity

The ordered quantity of the deliverable item.


The unit of measure used to express the ordered quantity.

Inventory Unit Quantity

The ordered quantity of the deliverable item expressed in inventory unit.


The unit of measure in which the inventory unit quantity is expressed.

Delivered Quantity

The quantity of items scheduled to be delivered to the sold-to business partner.


The unit of measure in which the delivered quantity is expressed.

Accepted Quantity

The quantity of items accepted by the sold-to business partner.

Backorder Quantity

The quantity of deliverable items for the backorder.

The backorder quantity can be calculated as:

Backorder Quantity = Ordered Quantity - Delivered Quantity

If the deliverable is linked to a schedule line, LN displays the total backorder quantity of all deliverable lines with status set to Active, for the contract.

Ordered Deliverables

The quantity of deliverables ordered for the schedule line.


The unit of measure used to express the ordered deliverables quantity.

To be Scheduled

The quantity of deliverables to be scheduled for the deliverable line, for which schedule lines are not available.


The unit of measure to express the quantity to be scheduled .


The status of the deliverable line.

Allowed values

Deliverable Status.

Contract Delivery Date

The date requested by the sold-to business partner to deliver the contract. LN defaults the value from the Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100) session.

Confirmed Delivery Date

The date confirmed to the sold-to business partner for delivering the contract.

Planned Delivery Date

The date when the items are planned to be delivered.

Planned Receipt Date

The planned date when the deliverables must be received.


If this check box is selected, the contract deliverable line is a backorder.

Return Deliverable

If this check box is selected, the contract deliverable is a return order.


The currency used to express the price.

Sales Price

The default sales price per unit of the deliverable item. It can be changed manually.

Price Origin

The origin of the sales price. This is a display field.

This field can have the following values

  • Item Sales Data: The sales price originates from the Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session.
  • Default Price Book: The sales price originates from the default sales price book entered in the Price Books (tdpcg0111m000) field of the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session.
  • Manual: The sales price is entered manually.
  • Contract: The sales price originates from a sales contract.
  • Price Structure: The sales price originates from a price book linked to the Pricing Control (PCG) matrix of the price matrix type.
  • External: The price originates from an external package.
Sales Amount

The total sales amount for the deliverable items.

Settlement Amount

The amount of the advance payment to be settled when invoicing the contract deliverable. For example, a contract deliverable's total sales amount is 1500 Euro with an advance payment of 1000 Euro, and the amount to be settled is 750 Euro. In this case, 750 Euro is settled from the advance payment amount of 1000 Euro and the balance amount to be invoiced is 750 Euro.

  • This amount can only be defined for contract lines with the invoice type, Delivery based.
  • Infor LN defaults the value based on: Contract line Liquidation% * Sales Amount.
  • This amount must not exceed the sales amount.
  • This field is disabled, if the contract deliverable is shipped or partially shipped.
  • Settlement amount is not applicable for the Return deliverables and Back Orders.
Customs Value

The amount defined as the custom's value. The default value is the sales price defined for the deliverable. LN defaults this amount to Warehousing when the sales order is released to Warehousing.

Ship-to Business Partner

The ship-to business partner for the contract deliverable.


The description or name of the code.

Ship-to Address

The address of the ship-to business partner.

Ship-to Address

The description or name of the code.

Delivery Point

The delivery point for the contract deliverable.


The description or name of the code.

Ship-to Contact

The contact of the ship-to business partner.


The description or name of the code.

Shipping Constraint

The shipping constraints specified on the deliverable lines.

Allowed values

Shipping Constraint.

Unit Binding

If this check box is selected, LN can force the WMS to ship specific units.

Acceptance Point

The location where the goods are accepted.

Allowed values

Acceptance Point

Delivery Terms

The delivery terms for the deliverable line.


The description or name of the code.

Point of Title Passage

The point of title passage for the deliverable line.


The description or name of the code.


The route linked to the contract deliverable.


The description or name of the code.


The carrier / LSP for the contract deliverable.


The description or name of the code.

Carrier / LSP Binding

If this check box is selected, carrier / LSP binding is applicable for the contract deliverable.

Freight Service Level

The freight service level for the contract deliverable, defined in the Freight Service Levels (tcmcs0175m000) session.


The description or name of the code.

Warehouse Order

The warehouse order number generated based on the Default Order Types by Origin (whinh0120m000) for the deliverable line.


LN does not use the Project Requirement Planning (PRP) engine for contract deliverables.

Position Number

The position number of the warehouse order line.

Sequence Number

The sequence number of the warehouse order line.


The code that identifies the project linked to the contract deliverable line.


The project and the element and/or activity cannot be changed on the schedule line.


The description or name of the code.

Project Status

The Project Status for the contract deliverable line.


The project element linked to the contract deliverable line.


The description or name of the code.


The project plan linked to the contract deliverable line.


The project activity linked to the contract deliverable line.


The description or name of the code.


The project milestone to the contract deliverable line.


The description or name of the code.

Cost Component

The cost component linked to the contract deliverable line.


The description or name of the code.

Created by

The code that identifies the user who created the deliverable schedule line data.


The description or name of the code.

Creation Date

The date when the deliverable line data was created.

Last Modified by

The user who last modified the deliverable schedule line data.


The description or name of the code.

Last Modified on

The date when the deliverable schedule line data was last modified.

Customer Order

The customer order number linked to the contract deliverable.

Customer Order Line

The position number of the customer order linked to the contract deliverable.

Item Picture

The picture of the item.


The additional text related to the contract deliverable.


If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Return from

The reference code to the original shipment linked to the contract deliverable.


The reference code to the original invoice linked to the contract deliverable.

Return From Deliverable

The reference code to the original deliverable linked to the contract deliverable.

Return From Schedule

The reference code to the original deliverable schedule linked to the contract deliverable.

Return Reason

The code that identifies the reason for return of the deliverable items.


The description or name of the code.

Return Ownership

The defined ownership to whom the deliverable items must be returned.

Allowed values


Tax Classification

The tax classification for the contract deliverable line, defined in the Tax Classifications (tctax0116m000) session.


The description or name of the code.


If this check box is selected, the tax code represents tax exemption.

Tax Country

The tax country for the contract deliverable line.


The description or name of the code.

Own Tax Number

The tax number allotted by the government to you.

Tax Code

The tax code for the contract deliverable line, defined in the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000) session.


The description or name of the code.

BP Tax Country

The tax country of the sold-to business partner for the contract deliverable line.

BP Tax Number

The tax number allotted by the government to the sold-to business partner.

Tax Exemption Certificate

The tax exemption certificate number if tax is exempted on the deliverable line


You can enter the tax exemption certificate number if the Exempt checkbox is selected.

Tax Exemption Reason

The code that identifies the reason if tax is exempted on the deliverable line.


You can enter the tax exemption reason if the Exempt checkbox is selected.

Additional Information
Additional Field

The additional information for the deliverable line.


The description or name of the code.


Set Status to

Sets the status of the deliverable schedule line to the selected value.


Sets the status of the deliverable line to Free.


Sets the status of the deliverable line to Active.

Released to Warehousing

Sets the status of the deliverable line to Released to Warehousing.


Sets the status of the deliverable line to Delivered. This is applicable for the non-hardware deliverables not handled via Warehousing. Hardware deliverables as well as non-hardware deliverables that are handled via Warehousing get set to Delivered if the shipping successfully has been completed.


Sets the status of the deliverable line to Closed.


Sets the status of the deliverable line to Canceled.


Starts the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session where you can select the requirement(s) defined for the effectivity unit.


The sales price of the contract deliverable is updated based on the sales base price of the item (retrieved from either Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000)/ Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000)/ Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session) and the upgrade price of the requirements selected in the Requirement - Effectivity Units (tcuef0107m000) session.

Get Sales Price

Retrieves the sales price for the contract deliverable item.