Cost Peg Audit History (tpctm2500m000)

Use this session to view the history data of the project cost peg. You can also view the changes to the project peg data; when you add, modify, and delete the project peg data of the orders.


You can access this session only if the Manual Project Peg Modification check box is selected in the Project Pegging Parameters (tcpeg0100m000) session.


Order Type

The order type for which project peg data is updated when you add, modify or delete the project peg manually.

Allowed values

Order Type


The order number for which the project peg history data is displayed.

Transaction Type

The transaction types for Warehouse Transfer (Manual) and Cost Peg Transfer origin transactions are Inbound and Outbound.

Order Line

The position number of the order line for which project peg data is displayed.

Order Line Reference

The reference number of the order line for which project peg data is displayed.

Distribution Line

The sequence number of the project peg distribution line.

Old Project

The code of the project, before the project peg data is modified.


The code of the item that is linked to the project.

Effectivity Unit

The code of the effectivity unit of the item, linked to the project.

Old Element

The code of the element linked to the project, before the project peg data is modified.

Old Activity

The code of the activity linked to the project, before the project peg data is modified.


The project code of the modified project peg.


The code of the element linked to the modified project.


The code of the activity linked to the modified project.

Old Quantity

The quantity of the project peg, before the project peg data is modified.


The inventory unit in which the quantity of the project peg data is expressed.

New Quantity

The modified project peg quantity.

Old Project Peg Origin

The origin of the project peg, before the project peg data is modified.

Allowed values

Project Peg Origin

Project Peg Origin

The origin of the modified project peg.

Allowed values

Project Peg Origin

Change Reason

The reason code specified for modifying the project peg data.


You can only view the reason code of the type Project Peg Audit History.


The contract to which the project is linked.

Contract Line

The contract line number.

Change Type

The type of change performed on the project peg data.

Allowed values

Change Type

Project Peg Audit

The specific peg distribution data that is modified.

Allowed values

Project Peg Audit

Modified by

The code of the user who adds, modifies, or deletes the project peg data.

User name

The name of the user who adds, modifies, or deletes the project peg data.

Modified on

The date on which the project peg data is added, modified, or deleted.