To construct a table set

This topic describes how you create and fill a table set that you can use to define a suitable table sharing configuration. You can subsequently implement this table sharing configuration by using table linking or data replication.

The construction of a table set is an iterative process. You start with a table set with a few tables based upon a functional sharing requirement. Then, you repeatedly verify the table set and add the tables that must be shared for technical reasons. For technical details, refer to the Reference Guide for Multicompany Structures.

Alternatively, you can import the current table linking situation into a table set, to identify or to diagnose problems. For more information, refer to To analyze the present table linking configuration.


Before you define a table set, you must specify the relevant package combination(s) and companies. For more information, refer to To specify relevant package combinations and companies.

Procedure to construct a table set

To construct a table set:

  1. Start the Table Sets (tltsm1100m000) session.
  2. Click New to start the Table Sets (tltsm1100m009) session. Add a new table set.
  3. Use the Table Sets by Package Combinations (tltsm1150m000) session to link the table set to a package combination. LN uses the link with the package combination to determine which references are active for this software version.
  4. Fill the table set with tables. In the Table Sets (tltsm1100m009) session, complete one or more of these steps:
    • To add tables manually, on the Lines menu, select New Table. You can add tables individually or add entire modules, from which you can exclude specific tables.
    • To copy tables from an existing table set, on the Specific menu, select Copy Tables From Other Table Sets. For more information, refer to Predefined table sets.
    • To add a range of tables or a range of modules, on the Specific menu on the Tables by Table Set tab, select Copy from DD.
    • To use the current table linking configuration (logical tables) as a starting point, on the Specific menu on the Tables by Table Set tab, select Import Logical Tables.
  5. Click Verify Shared Logical Tables.
  6. Click Table Sharing Exceptions. (If the Fast Verification check box in the Table Sharing Parameters (tltsm0100m000) session is selected, the Table Sharing Exceptions (tltsm2100m000) session is started automatically when you verify the table set).
  7. Assess the exceptions found. For a graphical view, click Show Relation Tree. Check for exceptions with status Actual.

    You can respond to an identified exception in one of these ways:

    • Accept
      If you accept an exception, the Exception Status turns to Accepted. The exception will no longer block a table sharing set from being made actual.
    • Correct
      If you correct an exception, LN adds the reference table that produced the exception to the table set and removes the exception from the list.
  8. Repeat previous steps until all remaining exceptions have the Accepted status.
  9. In the Table Sets (tltsm1100m009) session, set the Status field to Approved. (If you need to modify the table set later, you can change its status back to Draft).