Reschedule Production Orders (tisfc3240m000)

Use this session to reschedule a range of SFC production orders across the entire order base. This is useful, for example, in response to major events such as emergency rate changes and work stoppages.

Related topics


Production Order

An order to produce a specified quantity of an item on a specified delivery date.

Order Status

The order status of the production order.

Project (PCS)

A collection of manufacturing and purchasing actions that are performed especially for a particular customer order. A project is initiated by a customer order for items having a To Order order policy. The purpose of a project is to plan and coordinate the production of these items.

For a standard-to-order production, the project is only used to link the item with the customer order. Otherwise, a project can include:

  • Customized item data (BOMs and routings)
  • Project planning (activity planning)

A budget is a special type of project. A budget is used to plan and estimate, not to carry out production.

Production Start Date and Time

The date and time on which the order is planned to be taken into production.

Requested Delivery Date

The date that the customer has requested for the production order.


The employee responsible for planning the production order.

Shop Floor Planner

The person responsible for printing, (re)scheduling and releasing production orders and managing workloads.

Routing Group

A group of items with similar routing attributes, for example, the same work center, routing operation, BOM, and so on. A routing group is defined by the user as a selection criterion for production orders.

Product Class

User-definable item grouping data that is used to distinguish between different groups of items in a product line. The product class is mainly used as a selection criterion for reporting.

Product Line

A group of products made by the same producer, that are similar but differ in details such as, size, shape, color, and so on. User-definable item grouping data, mainly used as an item selection criterion for reporting.

Selection Code

User-definable item grouping data. Use selection codes to select items by color, diameter, product expiry date, and so on.


Selection codes are used for information purposes only.

Item From

In LN, the raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, sold, and so on.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not held in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The following are examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)
Grouping Selection

If this check box is selected, all the production orders in the SFC order Group that you select are rescheduled. All selection fields in the Selection Range group box are disabled and ignored.

Related topics

SFC Order Group

The SFC order group whose production orders you want to reschedule.

Print Change Report

If this check box is selected, a change report is printed. This report lists all modified SFC production orders, including the old and new values for the modified fields.

Print Error Report

If this check box is selected, an error report is printed. This report shows the warnings or errors generated during the rescheduling process.



Starts the Reschedule Production Orders (tisfc3140m000) session, where you can reschedule the SFC production orders that fall within the selection range.