Archive Project (tipcs2260m000)

When a closed project is archived the project data is moved from this project to the archive files. The archived project data from the original file is deleted, except for the project code in the Projects (tipcs2101m000) session. The code remains because of references with other parts of LN. The archived data is required if statistics is to be rebuilt in the Purchase Control and Sales Control modules.


If there is a main project, then all sub-projects are archived first.


Calculation Group

A code representing a group of projects the user wants to compare financially.

You can assign a calculation group to:

  • A budget
  • A main project (as long as the calculation group is not assigned to another project or single project)
  • A single project (as long as the calculation group is not assigned to another main project or single project)

A collection of manufacturing and purchasing actions that are performed especially for a particular customer order. A project is initiated by a customer order for items having a To Order order policy. The purpose of a project is to plan and coordinate the production of these items.

For a standard-to-order production, the project is only used to link the item with the customer order. Otherwise, a project can include:

  • Customized item data (BOMs and routings)
  • Project planning (activity planning)

A budget is a special type of project. A budget is used to plan and estimate, not to carry out production.

Company Number for Archives

Enter the company number under which the project data must be stored.


Only archive companies are allowed.

Related topics

Company Number for Archives

The name belonging to the specified company number.

Archive General Data

If this check box is selected, general data is archived, before the project itself is archived.

If this check box is cleared, general data is not archived. The project is therefore archived immediately, which may cause errors if you have not recently archived projects.


To have a complete set of data in the archives, it is necessary to archive projects on a regular basis.

Project Structure

If this check box is selected, the project structure data, for example BOM, routings, project parts and the project structure per customized item and per project is archived.

Project Calculation

If this check box is selected, the project calculation data, that is, operation rates, subcontracting rates, cost price surcharges, general project costs, and cost price structure per customized item and per project, is archived to or retrieved from the archives.

If this check box is cleared, the project calculation data is not archived to or retrieved from the archives.

Project Master Schedule

If this check box is selected, the Project Master Schedule data, that is, activities, activity relationships, the module planning and the hours spent per week and per activity, is archived to or retrieved from the archives.

If this check box is cleared, the Project Master Schedule data is not archived to or retrieved from the archives.

Project History

If this check box is selected, the project history, that is, production order data, production order costing data, hours accounting, purchase orders, purchase receipts, sales orders, sales deliveries, service orders, RRP warehouse orders, and customized item-related inventory transactions, is archived.

If this check box is cleared, the project history is not archived.

Financial Project Data

If this check box is selected, the financial project data, that is, the financial project transactions and the chart of accounts for those transactions, is archived.


If this check box is selected, texts are also archived.

Overwrite Texts

If this check box is selected, an existing text is overwritten by a new one.



Executes the process that you set up in this session.