Project Control Parameters (tipcs0100m000)

The overview session contains:

  • A history list of parameter sets and their effective dates. The most recent parameter sets are at the end of the list.
  • The current parameter set, at the top of the list (without an effective date).

To view historical sets, double-click one of the historical parameter sets. You can use the Print Project Control Parameters (tipcs0400m000) session to print and compare the parameter sets.

To view or change the current parameters, double-click the set without an effective date that appears at the top of the list. The Project Control Parameters (tipcs0100m000) session starts.

If you make changes and save the new parameter setting, LN performs the following actions:

  • Adds the new set at the end of the history list.
  • Updates the current set (at the top of the list).

By default, the Description field contains the date and time when the previous parameter setting was saved. To avoid confusion, if you change the parameters, change or delete the default Description text.


Introduction Date

The date and time that the parameters are valid. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of a more recent parameter setting.


The description of the parameter set. For example, you can indicate why you changed the parameters.

Project Number Group

A group of first free number series that you can assign to a specific use.

For example, you can assign a number group to:

  • Business partner codes
  • Purchase contracts
  • Sales orders
  • Production orders
  • Service orders
  • Warehousing orders
  • Freight orders

Within a number group you can define multiple series. Each series is identified by the series code. The series numbers that LN generates consist of the series code followed by the first free number in the series. Series codes of the same number group have the same length.


Alphanumeric project codes are not allowed.

Series for Project

If you cannot manually select a series for a PCS project code, the series in this field is used to generate the project code. The series is used, for example, if project codes need to be generated using data from an external database by means of a business object.

Customize BOM Line automatically

If this check box is selected, an item with order policy To Order is customized automatically after inserting and saving the item as a component in the single-level BOM of a customized item.


The project segment of the newly customized item equals the parent item's project segment.

Copy Effective Dates from Generic Item

If this check box is selected, and you customize a generic item, the effective dates and expiry dates of generic BOM lines and routing operations are copied to the PCS project of the customized item.

If this check box is cleared, and you customize a generic item, the effective dates and expiry dates of generic BOM lines and routing operations are not copied to the PCS project of the customized item. Instead, the effective dates of BOM lines and routing operations change to January 2, 1970, and the expiry dates to December 31, 2038. The validity period is now extended so that the BOM lines and routing operations are always valid on the Reference Date of the project.


An extended validity period only applies to BOM lines and routing operations. The effective dates and expiry dates of other entities in a PCS project that can be date effective, such as supplying relationships and item-supplier information, do not change.

Enterprise Unit for used from

If you create a PCS project on a sales order or service order, the value in this field indicates the default calculation office for the PCS project. The calculation office is linked to a enterprise unit, which determines the financial company on which financial transactions are posted.

Allowed values

Possible Values


If no calculation office is specified for the enterprise unit of the sales office, service department, or warehouse in the Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000) details session, the calculation office is determined by means of the order series.

Related topics

Percentage of Completion Calculation Method

With interim revenue recognition, you can calculate interim Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and interim revenue for a PCS project. The interim COGS and revenue are based on the percentage of the work that is completed on the PCS project. In this field, you must determine how the Percentage of Completion (POC) is calculated for the PCS project.

The POC that you select in this field is used as a default value in the project details of PCS projects that are generated from a sales order line by using the Generate (Project PCS) Structure for Sales Orders (tdsls4244m000) session.

Post Interim COGS and Revenues by Cost Component

With interim revenue recognition, you can calculate interim Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and interim revenue for a PCS project.

The setting of this check box determines how the Post Interim COGS and Revenues by Cost Component check box in the Project Details (tipcs2130m000) details session is set for PCS projects that are generated from a sales order line by using the Generate (Project PCS) Structure for Sales Orders (tdsls4244m000) session.

If this check box is selected, the interim COGS is specified by detailed cost components. You can view and maintain the detailed interim COGS in the COGS by Cost Component (tipcs3191m000) session.

If this check box is cleared, the interim COGS is not specified by detailed cost components. Instead, the interim COGS is posted on the cost component that is specified in the General Cost Component for Interim Postings field.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Interim results by cost component.

General Cost Component for Interim Postings

The cost component on which the interim Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) is posted. You can only enter a cost component if the Post Interim COGS and Revenues by Cost Component check box is cleared.

The cost component that you select in this field is used as the default cost component in the project details of PCS projects that are generated from a sales order line by using the Generate (Project PCS) Structure for Sales Orders (tdsls4244m000) session.

Include Fixed Costs in Project Valuation

If this check box is selected, fixed costs are included in the project valuation.

This parameter also impacts the cost price of customized items as displayed in the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) details session. In this session, the estimated and actual cost price for customized items can be compared.

If the Include Fixed Costs in Project Valuation check box is selected, both fixed costs and variable costs are included in the estimated and the actual costing data in the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session.

If the Include Fixed Costs in Project Valuation check box is cleared, the fixed costs are not included in the costing data in the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session. Reason is that if this check box is cleared, fixed costs cannot be booked, and are therefore not included in the actual costs. Because a comparison between the estimated and actual costing data is not reasonable if fixed costs are missing in the actual costs, the fixed costs are also excluded from the estimated costing data.

Material costs are always variable. Surcharges on labor costs can be either fixed or variable.

Include Fixed Costs in Budget Sales Price

If this check box is selected, fixed costs are included in the sales price of the budget.

Related topics

Post Project Transactions on Current Date

If this check box is selected, the sales price, cost price and the sales revenue are posted for non-closed projects.

Estimated Cost of Goods Sold Limited by WIP Value

Determines how LN calculates the costs of goods sold.

If this check box is selected, estimated costs of the goods sold will never exceed the work-in-process value (per cost price component) for the project.

Transfer between PCS Projects considered as Selling Relation

If this check box is selected, the transfer of items from one PCS project (the source project) to another PCS project (the target project) results in a revenue on the source project.

If this check box is cleared, the transfer of items from one PCS project (the source project) to another PCS project (the target project) results in a negative material cost booking on the source project. You can consider such a negative booking as a correction of the actual costs on the source project.

Settings for COGS
Post Project-related Cost of Goods Sold Against

Determines how LN calculates the work-in-process values for projects. The parameter is used for calculating the cost prices of sales deliveries and for posting financial project transactions to LN Finance.

COGS and Revenues restricted to Financial Company of PCS Project

If this check box is selected, PCS related COGS and revenues are all posted on the financial company of the PCS project's calculation office.

If this check box is cleared, PCS related COGS and revenues are posted on the financial companies of the service department, sales office and/or warehouse.

COGS Distribution based on

If the COGS and Revenues restricted to Financial Company of PCS Project check box is cleared, the general COGS is distributed among several departments instead of only on the PCS project's calculation office. You can use this field to indicate whether you want to enter the COGS distribution manually in the Project COGS Distribution (tipcs3110m000) session, or that LN calculates the COGS distribution based on the revenue of the sales order, service order, and/or warehouse order.

Number Group for Project Orders

If you define an invoice relation between the PCS project and the sales office, service department, or warehouse in the Entity - Entity Relationships (tcemm2110m000) session, an internal invoice is sent from the PCS project to a sales office, service department, or warehouse. The number group in this field is used to generate a PCS project order number on the internal invoice.

Series for Project Orders

If you define an invoice relation between the PCS project and the sales office, service department, or warehouse in the Entity - Entity Relationships (tcemm2110m000) session, an internal invoice is sent from the PCS project to a sales office, service department, or warehouse. The series in this field is used to generate a PCS project order number on the internal invoice.


If you define an invoice relation between the PCS project and the sales office, service department, or warehouse in the Entity - Entity Relationships (tcemm2110m000) session, an internal invoice is sent from the PCS project to a sales office, service department, or warehouse. The cost item in this field is used to specify the general costs on the internal invoice in Invoicing (SLI) and Accounts Payable (ACP).