How to calculate a discount percentage on the basis of the sales price

A discount percentage for a sales price is calculated by LN for each standard manufactured or purchased part on the first bill of material (BOM) level of the product structure.

The sales price and discount percentage are also determined based on the sales price information recorded for this standard item in the Sales Control module and the Tables module in the form of sales contracts, sales price lists, or a recommended sales price per item.

Configured items

For a component of a product variant, a sales price line is generated for option set 0. The sales price line contains the quantity needed, the unit of the component, the item code and the sales price. If a discount percentage is applicable, it is shown in the Line Discount field. The net sales amount for the component is shown in the Amount field.

A discount percentage is determined for each generic component on the first BOM level of the configured product variant structure, based on the sales price information for this generic item defined in sales contracts or sales price lists. If a discount percentage is defined, an additional sales price line is automatically generated for the generic component in which the discount percentage and the discount amount is recorded.

If the language of the customer is the same as the home language, an extra text line is generated with the item description, the customer dependent item text, the sales text, or the general text for the item. If the language of the customer deviates from the home language, the previously mentioned text is linked to the sales price line of the component.