Planned requirement dates in production synchronous schedules (PSS)

The date on which assembly parts are due at the required line station is their planned requirement date. The calculation of the planned requirement date depends on the value that you entered in the Job Sequence Type field in the Replenish Shop Floor Warehouse (tiasc8210m000) session.

You have two choices of how to call off materials:

  • Call off materials based on the planned sequence of the supply line station. This method relies on the planned start times of the line station orders, and schedules the assembly line orders based on the start time of the first assembly order for the line station. Buffer variations are taken into consideration if you define a safety lead time.
  • Call off materials based on the actual sequence of the trigger line station. The trigger line station is the line station on which the triggers are fired, and is defined in the Process Trigger Definition (tiasl8100m000) session. In this situation, LN calculates the arrival times of the materials based on the number of line stations (between the suppply line station and trigger line station) and on the cycle time. In this way, materials are only called off for assembly orders that have actually passed the trigger point. This method better reflects the actuality of the assembly situation.

The method that uses the actual sequence is only available for use with order-controlled SILS items.