The production order or assembly order for which the serialized item is produced.
Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000)Use this session to maintain and display the actual as-built product structure of a serialized item. Directly after generating the as-built structure, the components that are displayed in this session equal the production order's estimated materials. If the component is a serialized item, and the BOM quantity of the item is more than one (1), you can see a record for every instance of the item. For every record, you can enter a serial number. In other words, the number of records for a serialized item equals the item's BOM quantity. For every record, the value of the Used Quantity is one (1). If a specific BOM material is a lot-controlled item, and the BOM quantity of that item is more than one, the Used Quantity field reflects the BOM quantity. You can see only one record for that item in the session, with the appropriate component lot-number. However, if reference designators are defined in the BOM for non-serialized components, a seperate as-built component line is created for every reference designator. Shop Floor Control (SFC) If the Only Serialized and Lot-controlled Items in As-built Components check box in the Shop Floor Control Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session is selected, only serial items and lot-controlled items are displayed in the Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000) session. If the Only Serialized and Lot-controlled Items in As-built Components check box is not selected, non-serialized items and non lot-controlled items are also displayed. Assembly Control (ASC) If the Assembly Parts in As-Built field in the Assembly Control Parameters (tiasc0100m000) session is Serialized and Lot controlled, only serialized and lot-controlled parts are displayed in the Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000) session. If the Assembly Parts in As-Built check box is All, non-serialized parts and non lot-controlled parts are also displayed. Note
Production / Assembly Order The production order or assembly order for which the serialized item is produced. Item The parent item that includes the as-built components. Serial Number The unique identification of a single physical item. LN uses a mask to generate the serial number. The serial number can consist of multiple data segments that represent, for example, a date, model and color information, sequence number, and so on. Serial numbers can be generated for items and for tools. Item The component of the serialized item. Component Serial Number The serial number of the component. Lot Code A number of items produced and stored together that are identified by a (lot) code. Lots identify goods. Item Effectivity Unit The effectivity unit of the component. Used Quantity The required quantity of the component. The BOM components that are displayed in this session equal the production order's estimated materials.
Reference Designator Indicates the location to insert a component on an item, for example, where to mount an electronic component on a Printed Circuit Board. Reference designators are often used in electronics, and can originate from a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) station. You can only edit the field if the Moment of Generating Serial Numbers field in the Shop Floor Control Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session is set to Manually. From this field, you can zoom to the Reference Designators by Item (tcibd0120m000) session. If reference designators are defined in the BOM, a seperate as-built component line is created for every reference designator, even if the component is not serialized. Description The description of the reference designator. This can be, for example, a code that expresses the location where you must mount a component item. Serial Status The status of the end item's serial number. Allowed values Position The component's position number.
Generate Components Generates the components of the serialized item.
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