Assembly Order - Assembly Part Shortages (tiasc2546m000)

Use this session to view assembly part shortages by assembly order (and requirement date). This is the reverse view of assembly orders by assembly part, that is current in the Assembly Part Shortage - Assembly Orders (tiasc2545m000) session.


Requirement Date

The date on which the assembly part is required for the production process.

Assembly Part

The assembly part that has shortages.

Blocked Quantity

The quantity of assembly parts that are in short supply and are required by blocked orders.

Assembly Order

The order that requires the displayed shortage part.

Inventory Unit

The unit of measure that is used to count this assembly part. For example, pcs (pieces).

Shortage Quantity

The quantity of the parts that are in short supply.

Sold-to Business Partner

If an order is a sales order, this field displays the business partner it is sold to.

Required Quantity

The quantity of the displayed assembly part that is required by this order on this date.