Print Product Variants (tiapl3400m000)

Use this session to print product variants and optionally the product variant structure, the associated assembly lines, and the product variant's cost price.


Roll-off Line

The range of roll-off lines.

Product Variant

The range of product variants.


The range of the generic item or manufactured item codes for which the Default Supply Source is Assembly.

Print Details

If this check box is selected, the report includes all the fields displayed in the Product Variants (Assembly) (tiapl3500m000) session.

If this check box is selected, you can also select the other check boxes to print additional details.

Print Text

If this check box is selected, the report contains the texts stored for the product variants and product variant structures.

Print Product Variant Structure

If this check box is selected, the report also contains the product variant structures

Print Assembly Parts and Operations

If this check box is selected, the report also contains the valid assembly parts and operations in the product variant structures for each engineering module.

You can select this check box only if the Print Product Variant Structure check box is selected.

Print Product Variant - Assembly Lines

If this check box is selected, the report also contains any assembly lines by product variant.

Print Product Variant Cost Price

If this check box is selected, the report contains the product variant cost price details by assembly line and cost component.



Starts printing.