Purge Product Variants (tiapl3200m000)

Use this session to remove product variants that are no longer required.

Performance aspects

The settings in this session could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Delete in Assembly Control.


Roll-off Line

The code of the roll-off line that is used to select the product variants that must be deleted.

The assembly line appears in the Assembly Line field in the Product Variants (Assembly) (tiapl3500m000) session.

Roll-off Line

The code of the roll-off line that is used to select the product variants that must be deleted.

The assembly line appears in the Assembly Line field in the Product Variants (Assembly) (tiapl3500m000) session.

Product Variant

The code of the product variant that must be deleted.

Product Variant

The code of the product variant that must be deleted.



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