Consumption allocation relations setup

If the allocation net is consumption oriented, you can create allocation relations according to consumption rules. Outgoing budget and actual allocation relations from a retrograde source can be generated following user provided rules.

The aim is to have quantities on the allocation relations in tight relation to the performance quantity on the destination, which enables you to backflush resource and process requirements from the source dimension to the destination dimension by means of the retrograde calculation.

To set up the consumption rules allocation relations, take the following steps:

  1. In the Allocation Rule Sets (tfcat4101m000) session, create an allocation rule set.
  2. In the Consumption Rules (tfcat4504m000) session, define the rules for source/destination combinations.
  3. In the Budgets (tffbs0503m000) session, create a single dimension budget.
  4. In the Budgets per Year (tffbs0505m000) session, insert your budget in the current year.
  5. In the Flexible Budget by Year (tffbs1510m000) session, enter dimensions and reference units (with the appropriate ledger accounts) for your budget.
  6. In the Performance Budget by Year (tffbs1120m000) session, define a performance budget per year and a performance quantity or surcharge base amount per year for your budget.
  7. In the Generate Allocation Relations with Allocation Key (tfcat4202s000) session, create allocation relations.
  8. In the Allocation Relations (tfcat4500m000) session, check the created allocation relations (optional).
  9. Run the Retrograde Calculation (tfcat4213m000) session to perform the retrograde calculation for your budget.
  10. Run the Integrate and/or Post Cost Allocation Results (tfcat4211m000) session, to integrate the results of the retrogade calculation into the budget.

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