Depreciating Vintage/Group Accounts

You depreciate a vintage/group account to record the cost of the assets in the account against their revenues for specific periods. When you depreciate a vintage/group account, you depreciate the ADR book for the assets that the account contains. LN calculates the depreciation for each asset in its ADR book, then adds the assets' depreciation to the accumulated and year-to-date totals maintained for the account. Assets that belong to a vintage/group account must depreciate as part of the account, instead of individually.

When you depreciate vintage/group accounts, you indicate the period and year through which LN should calculate depreciation. LN uses the frequencies assigned to the vintage/group account to determine which vintage/group accounts are eligible for depreciation in the indicated period, then uses the account's depreciation method to calculate depreciation.

When you depreciate a vintage/group account, LN calculates depreciation for each asset in the group, then adds the resulting amounts to create a total for the account. LN updates the account's cumulative year-to-date and accumulated depreciation each time depreciation for the account is run. LN also updates the assets in their ADR books, and creates transactions for each asset processed.


Assets in a vintage/group account are not subject to suspended depreciation. LN calculates depreciation for all indicated periods, whether the periods are suspended for regular assets or not.