Period handling for integration transactionsDates If Operations Management transactions are posted to Financials, the following types of dates are involved:
Periods For every integration transaction, the following financial periods are recorded:
For details about the period types, refer to Using periods. Usually, the financial transactions are posted in the financial periods that correspond with the transaction date. The posting date and the document date are in the same period. To log the integration transactions, the financial period status must be Open. Usually, if the transaction date is the current date, the financial periods are Open. However, if a transaction is antedated or if the transaction date is near the end of a financial period, the period can be already Closed when the related financial transaction is posted. If you create an integration transaction, the transaction is logged. Usually this is the moment when you approve an order or invoice. Because the financial periods of the postings are included in the logged information, LN checks the period status before the transaction is logged. If the period is Closed, the transaction cannot be logged. The user cannot save the approved order or invoice. You can select the period type of which LN checks the status to detect whether the period is Open and the integration transaction can be logged. You can select the following period types:
For example, if you select ACP, you cannot post an integration transaction if the ACP period is Closed, even if the INT period is still Open. In the Integration Parameters (tfgld4150s000) session, you can select the default period type. In the Period Handling by Integration Document Type (tfgld4579m000) session, you can select the period type for individual integration document types. It is usually correct to check the INT period. In exceptional situations, you can select the other period types. If the period is Closed If the period is Closed, LN tries to post the transaction according to the Closed Period Handling option that applies to the integration transaction. In the Integration Parameters (tfgld4150s000) session, you can select the default Closed Period Handling option. In the Period Handling by Integration Document Type (tfgld4579m000) session, you can select the closed period handling option for specific integration document types. You can select the following Closed Period Handling options:
Requests for exceptions In the Requested Exceptions for Integration Transactions (tfgld4585m000) session, enter a request to log and post integration transactions to specific financial periods. You can enter the fiscal year and period, the reporting year and period, and/or the tax year and period to which the integration transaction must be posted. Only the fields that correspond to a Closed period are enabled. By default, LN displays the year and period that corresponds with the transaction date of the integration transaction. You can perform one of the following actions:
If the transaction still cannot be logged, LN displays an error message on the user’s screen when the transaction is created. For example, if the Closed Period Handling option is Post to current period and the current period is Closed, LN cannot log the transaction. To solve the problem, you can change the transaction date to a date in the next Open fiscal period. Note The employees who have permission to run the Approve Requested Exceptions for Integration Transactions (tfgld4585m100) session are authorized to approve the requests. You cannot post transactions to a financial period that has the Finally Closed status. Periods should only be set to Finally Closed when the financial year is closed. Example For example, the integration transaction was created in period two of the fiscal year 2005. For the period type selected for the integration document type, the periods have the following status:
LN posts the integration transaction to Reporting period 2005/2. You cannot change this setting. For the Fiscal period and the Tax period, you can enter a period number. If you accept the default value 2005/2, LN creates a request to post the transaction to a Closed period. If you enter a different number, for example, 2005/3, LN creates a request to post the transaction to a period that does not correspond with the transaction date. Period handling exceptions in reconciliation If you post the transaction to the next Open fiscal period, the transaction date is outside the fiscal period to which the transaction is posted. This makes matching of logistic reports and financial reports more complex. You can print a report of the requests for exceptions in the Print Next-open-period Transactions (tfgld4485m000) session, and use this during reconciliation. In the Print Reconciliation Data (tfgld4495m000) session, you can select the Print Only Backdated Transactions check box to print the reconciliation report for such transactions. For the Invoice Accrual 3 reconciliation group that represents the Goods Received not Invoiced (GRNI), if you print reconciliation reports with the Checklist Reconciliation Goods Received Not Invoiced (tfgld4495m200) session, the financial transaction is reported in the fiscal period of the document date instead of the posting date. Note In general, backdated transactions make the reconciliation process more complex. To avoid the generation of errors when the currency differences and rounding differences are calculated, logging antedated transactions with a transaction date earlier than the most recent archiving date of the reconciliation data is not permitted for the following reconciliation areas:
Example If you received goods late onJanuary 31 and you register the receipt on February 1 but with a transaction date of January 31, the following situation occurs. The posting date and the document date differ.
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