Select Invoices for Payment (tfcmg1220m000)

Use this session to select the purchase invoices which are due for payment in the open entries of the Accounts Payable module.

Based on several selection criteria, a pro-forma payment batch is created which is processed for payment.

If you select open entries for payment, LN searches for unassigned advance and unallocated payments and credit notes for the business partners. LN automatically generates a report of the business partners for which such documents exist.

You can settle sales invoices and credit notes with purchase invoices.

You can only select purchase invoices for payment if these conditions are fulfilled:

  • The invoice has the Approved status.
  • The Approved for Payment field of the invoice is Yes or Not Applicable.
  • No hold reason is linked to the invoice.


Select Invoices
Selection Range
Invoice-from Business Partner

Use the browse arrow to select the business partner.

Due Date

If the selection is made on the due date, the discount date, and the surcharge date, the invoice is selected if one of these dates falls within one of these ranges of dates.

Discount Date

When the selection is made on the due date, the discount date, and the late payment surcharge date, the invoice is selected if at least one of these dates falls within one of the selected ranges of dates.

  • If the invoice falls within the selected discount period, the discount amount is only deducted if the discount date is on or before the planned payment date.
  • The amount can be changed again using the Payment Advice Lines (tfcmg1101m000) session.
Total Amount by BP

One of a company's base currencies in which LN registers and reports amounts.

In a multicurrency system, up to three home currencies can be defined:

Uninterrupted Payment Run

If this check box is selected, uninterrupted payment run is used to make payments for the selected invoices to Business partners.


The Payment Process Default ID field is enabled if you select this check box.

Use Euro for EMU Invoices

If this check box is selected, the euro is used as the currency for making payments to all invoices using EMU (European Monetary Union) currencies.

Include Invoices Without Payment/Receipt Method

If this check box is selected, invoices to which no payment method is linked in the payment advice are included in the batch.

Select Standing Orders

If this check box is selected, standing orders are also included for payment in the selected range.

Standing Order Planned Payment Date

If this check box is selected, LN selects the standing orders based on the planned payment date of the standing order or the standing order schedule.

If this check box is cleared, LN selects the standing orders based on the Planned Payment Date that you enter in the current session.

Payment Process Default ID

Select the payment process default identification code created in the Automatic Process Defaults (tfcmg1190m000) and the Automatic Process Defaults by Bank/Payment-Receipt Method (tfcmg1191m000) session.

Payment Batch

Use the browse arrow to select a payment batch code.

Default value

The batch number is automatically assigned to the selection run. Change this number to add payments to the existing batch.

Planned Payment Date

Enter the planned payment date for the selected purchase invoices.

Default value

If the Planned Payment/Receipt Date based on Due Date check box is selected in the Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000) session, the value appears by default in this session.

A bank order or diskette payment can be presented to the bank days or weeks before the planned payment date, but payments will be made only on the specified date.

Sales and Credit
Settle Sales Invoices

If this check box is selected, sales order invoices are included in the payment advice to settle purchase invoices.

Default value

If you select the Settle Payments with Sales Invoices check box in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session, this check box is selected by default.

For this to happen, the corresponding invoice-to business partner must also be the invoice-from business partner of these purchase invoices.

Pay Sales Credit Notes

If this check box is selected, sales credit notes are included in the payment advice selection.

Default value

If you select the Pay Credit Sales Invoices check box in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session, this check box is selected by default.

For this to happen, the corresponding invoice-to business partner must also be the invoice-from business partner of the selected purchase invoice.



If you choose this command, you can select invoices for payment, depending on the selection range specified.

Not Selected

If you choose this command, LN prints a list of invoices that are not printed and the reason for not processing the invoices.

Automatic Processing Defaults

Starts the Automatic Process Defaults (tfcmg1190m000) session.