XML Payment/Receipt Layouts (tfcmg0524m000)

Use this session to maintain XML layouts.

Double-click a line to start the XML Payment/Receipt Layout (tfcmg0624m000) session.

If the status of an XML layout is Initial, you can click Layout Lines on the appropriate menu to start the XML Payment/Receipt Layout Lines (tfcmg0125m000) session.



The XML layout code.


The version number.


This field indicates whether the payment method refers to a Payment or to a Receipt.


The character used for concatenation of mapping elements.

Group Payment Information

If this check box is selected, payment and direct debit files payment information tags are grouped together. Consequently, the payment information tag (PmtInf) is specified only once for the combination of bank, payment method and (planned) payment/debit date.

If this check box is cleared, the payment information is specified for every composed payment/receipt line for the payment or direct debit batch.

Convert XML Output

  • No Conversion
    The XML file will be created in UTF-8 format.
  • Basic Character Set
    After creating the XML file in UTF-8 format, characters that do not comply with the EPC SEPA specification are converted to dots.
  • Extended Character Set
    After creating the XML file in UTF-8 format, characters that do not comply with the EPC SEPA specification are converted to characters that better represent the original characters. For example, the '&' character would be converted to the '+' character.
Amount Format
Amount format

Amount format

This table shows the formatting characters that you can specify. However, if you do not specify any value in the Amount Format field in the XML Payment/Receipt Layouts (tfcmg0524m000) session, the default value applied is ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ9V.99.

9Reserves a position for a digit. Inserts a 0 if there is no significant digit in that position.
ZReserves a position for a digit. Inserts a space if there is no significant digit in that position. You can use this both before and after the decimal sign.
VIndicates the position of the decimal sign. No decimal sign is displayed. To display a decimal sign, you must enter ‘D’, a period [.], or a comma [,] immediately after this character, depending on which decimal sign you wish to use.
DDisplays the decimal sign as defined in the data dictionary.
TDisplays a thousand sign. The representation of the thousand sign is defined in the data dictionary.
-If this is the first or last character in a format string, a negative value is prefixed or suffixed by a minus sign [-], and a positive value is prefixed or suffixed by a space. Minus signs in other positions have the same meaning as ‘Z’.
+If this is the first or last character in a format string, a negative value is prefixed or suffixed by a minus sign [-], and a positive value is prefixed or suffixed by a plus sign [+]. Plus signs in other positions have the same meaning as ‘Z’.
*If this is the first character in a format string, all spaces to the left of the most significant digit are filled with asterisks [*].



To display '3.1' as '-3.10', specify %@ZZZZVD99@

Related topics


Date Format
Date format

Date format

This table shows the formatting characters that you can specify. However, if you do not specify any value in the Date Format field in the XML Payment/Receipt Layouts (tfcmg0524m000) session, the default value applied is YYYY-MM-DD.

%mmonth in year1 - 12
%wweek in yearweek 0 in previous year week 53 in current year
%Wweek in yearweek 53 in previous year
%dday in month1 - 31
%eday in week1 - 7
%jday in year1 - 365
%yyear without century01 - 99
%Yyear with century1 - 9999
%hname of month‘Jan’ - ‘Dec’ (abbreviated)
%Hname of month‘January’ - ‘December’
%aname of day‘Sun’ - ‘Sat’ (abbreviated)
%Aname of day‘Sunday’ - ‘Saturday’



To display '12/07/2015', specify %D(%02y-%02m-%02d)


UTC Format

The acronym for Universal Time Coordinated, the time system that is similar to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The UTC's reference point is Greenwich, England located at 0° longitude, the imaginary north-south line also known as the prime meridian. When it is noon at Greenwich, it is 12:00:00 UTC.


Layout Lines

Sets the status of the XML layout to Active.


Sets the status of the XML layout to Expired.

Export XML Payment/Receipt Layouts
Import XML Payment/Receipt Layouts