Open Entry Details (tfacp2525s000)

Use this session to view the details of an open entry.

LN displays the amounts in the invoice currency (first column) and one of your home currencies (second column).

Payment schedules

If a payment schedule is linked to the invoice, you cannot change the details that are specific for the payment schedule lines, such as the due date, the payment method, and the reminder letter.

For details, refer to Payment schedules – overview.



The transaction type, part of the invoice identification.


The document number, which is part of the invoice identification.

Invoice-from Business Partner

The invoice-from business partner for whom the invoice was created.

Purchase Type

The purchase type of the purchase.

Related topics

Amounts in

The invoice currency.

Amounts in home currency

home currency From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.


The total invoice amount. This amount is expressed in the invoice currency, defined in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session.


The total invoice amount, expressed in one of your home currencies.

Tax Amount in Payment Currency

The amount to be paid as tax over an invoice amount.

Tax Amount

The amount to be paid as tax over the invoice, expressed in one of your home currencies.

Late Payment Surcharge

The percentage that is charged over the goods amount or over rendered services that the recipient of the invoice must pay if the invoice is not paid within a specified period.

Late Payment Surch.

The late payment surcharge, expressed in one of your home currencies.

First Discount Amount

The first discount amount, which is deducted from the invoice amount to be paid if certain payment conditions are met.

First Disc Amount

The first discount amount, expressed in one of your home currencies.


The open invoice amount that is not yet paid.


The unpaid invoice amount, expressed in one of your home currencies.


A text defined to be used as internal reference.

Bank Reference

If you use bank reference numbers, this is the bank reference number of the invoice.

Document Date

The date on which the invoice was created. This date is used, for example, to calculate due dates and discounts.

Due Date

In LN, the date that a payment or receipt is required.

Related topics

Late Payment Surcharge Date

If the invoice is not paid before this date, the late payment surcharge must also be paid.

First Discount Date

If the invoice is paid before or on this date, the first discount is subtracted from the invoice amount.

Document Status

The status of the invoice in the processing.

Payment Terms

Agreements about the way in which invoices are paid.

The payment terms include:

  • The period within which invoices must be paid.
  • The discount granted if an invoice is paid within a given period

The payment terms allow you to calculate:

  • The date on which the payment is due
  • The date on which the discount periods expire
  • The discount amount

The payment terms play a role when the invoice is paid. These terms indicate which discounts apply and which amounts can be subtracted from the invoice amount. This is also important to see on which date the invoice is due.

Late Payment Surcharge Amount

The percentage that is charged over the goods amount or over rendered services that the recipient of the invoice must pay if the invoice is not paid within a specified period.

Second Discount Amount

If the invoice is paid before the second discount date, this amount is deducted from the invoice amount.

Second Discount Date

If the invoice is paid on or before this date, the second discount amount is deducted from the invoice amount.

Third Discount Amount

If the invoice is paid before the third discount date, this amount is deducted from the invoice amount.

Third Discount Date

If the invoice is paid before this date, the third discount amount is deducted from the invoice amount.

Approve Before

The date on which the purchase invoice was blocked.

Hold Reason

A code attached to a purchase invoice to block the payment of that invoice.

Assigned Approver

The person or department that is responsible for removing a hold reason from a registered invoice and release the invoice for further processing.

Cash Flow Reason

The cash flow reason of the transaction.

Related topics

Payment Agreement

The payment agreement of the invoice.

Original Invoice

If this invoice is a credit note, this field shows the transaction type, which is part of the identification number of the original invoice to which the credit note refers.

Original Invoice

If this invoice is a credit note, this field shows the document number, which is part of the identification number of the original invoice to which the credit note refers.

Level of Tax Calculation

Indicates whether the tax is calculated over the invoice header or transaction lines.

Country for Tax

The country in which your company pays tax.

Tax Code

A code that indentifies the tax rate and which determines how LN calculates and registers tax amounts.

Payment Method

The method used to create a payment (purchase invoice) or a receipt (sales invoice).

The payment method defines details such as:

  • The maximum amount
  • The due date
  • Allowance of foreign currencies and other details which must be printed on the report

These are default values that you can change on the order or on the invoice.

Pay-to Bank

The selected invoice-from business partner's bank.

Rate Determiner

The way in which the exchange rate for calculating the amount in the invoice currency and the home currencies is determined.


The price at which one currency can be exchanged for another currency. In other words, the amount which one currency will buy another currency at a particular time.

Fiscal Year / Period

A separate period, or year for financial purposes.

Three financial period types exist:

  • Fiscal, in which all transactions are recorded (for example, 12 months).
  • Reporting, for management requirements (for example, 52 weeks).
  • Tax, for tax regulations (for example, 4 quarters).
Fiscal Year / Period

The separator between the year and the period.

Fiscal Year / Period

A separate period, or year for financial purposes.

Three financial period types exist:

  • Fiscal, in which all transactions are recorded (for example, 12 months).
  • Reporting, for management requirements (for example, 52 weeks).
  • Tax, for tax regulations (for example, 4 quarters).
Tax Year / Period

The year part of the tax period in which the tax over the invoice was settled.

Tax Year / Period

The tax period in which the tax was settled.

Finalization Run Number

The journal number, given during the finalization of transactions to which the batch with transactions was finalized.


The transaction type that is used for approving the purchase invoice.

Document Approval

The document number that is used for approving the purchase invoice. purchase



Document History - Transaction Lines

Starts the Document History - Transaction Lines (tfgld0618m200) session.

Authorize Purchase Invoices

Starts the Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1142m000) session.