Sales Order Line Component Surplus (tdsls4567m000)

Use this session to view the component surplus.


Sales Order

A unique control number assigned to each new customer order, usually during order entry. A sales order number is often used by order promising, master scheduling, cost accounting, invoicing, and so on. For some make-to-order products, a sales order number can also take the place of an end item part number by becoming the control number that is scheduled through the finishing operations.


The number used to identify the position of the order line on the sales or purchase order.

Sequence Number

The number used to identify in detail the position number of a sales order (delivery) line or a purchase order line (detail).


The item code of the component.

Surplus Quantity

The part of the component that is delivered but not yet used to complete a sales order line item.

This quantity is expressed in inventory unit.

Surplus Completes Order Line Item

If this check box is selected, the surplus quantity is sufficient to complete a sales order line item.

The lowest quantity required to complete a sales order item depends on the sales order item's order unit and the order unit's rounding factor. If a complete sales order line item can be formed, LN can invoice the sales order line item.

Surplus Order Line Item Ratio

The surplus quantity divided by the net quantity, expressed in order unit.

LN applies the round-down rounding method and uses the order unit's rounding factor.

Surplus Evaluation Applicable

If this check box is selected, LN takes this item into account during surplus evaluation.