Sales Schedule Line History Overview (tdsls3561m100)

Use this session to have an overview of sales schedule line history.

Before LN can log history in this session, you must select the Log Schedule History check box in the Sales Contract Parameters (tdsls0100s300) session.

On the appropriate menu you can choose:

  • All Entries, to have an overview of the results of all transactions that have taken place for the schedule line. Consequently, a schedule line can be displayed several times.
  • Last Entry per Order Line Sequence, to have an overview of the results of the last transaction that has taken place for the schedule line. Consequently, each schedule line is displayed once.

If you ordered 20 items that you later changed into 30 items, the following actions can be recorded:

Order numberOrdered Quantity


  • In case of all entries, all 3 actions are displayed.
  • In case of the last entry, only the last action is displayed.

This session is included in the Sales Schedule History View (tdsls3660m000) session.


Transaction Date

The date and time when the document (line) is changed and/or written to the history file.

Record Type

Origin Sales Order History

Allowed values

  • Intake
  • Cancellation

Sales schedule turnover history is logged in the Sales Schedule Actual Delivery Line History (tdsls3557m000) session.


The user who logged the transaction.


Line Discounts

Starts the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session.

Planned Warehouse Order Reference Distribution History
Material Price Information History