Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain sales contract lines.

You can start this session:

  • From the Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000) overview session, by clicking Lines on the appropriate menu.
  • From the Sales Contract (tdsls3600m000) session, by selecting and double-clicking a sales contract line.
  • Stand-alone.
  • You can activate, de-activate or terminate an individual sales contract line. As a result, different sales contract lines of the same sales contract can have different statuses.
  • If you click one of the status options in the Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000) session, all sales contract lines change to the same status.
  • If the contract line status is Active or Terminated, you cannot modify the contract line. If the contract line status is Active, a sales order or sales schedule can be linked to the contract.
  • If the Contract Prices in Use check box is cleared, you must specify prices and discounts in the current session. If the Contract Prices in Use check box is selected, you must specify prices and discounts in the Sales Contract Prices (tdsls3103m000) session, which are unavailable in the current session.



The sales contract's number.

Sold-to Business Partner

Usually a customer's purchase department, the business partner who orders goods or services from your organization, that owns the configurations you maintain, or for whom you perform a project.

The agreement with the sold-to business partner can include the following:

  • Default price and discount agreements
  • Sales order defaults
  • Delivery terms
  • The related ship-to and invoice-to business partner

The number used to identify the position of the order line on the sales or purchase order.

Sales Office

A department that is identified in the company business model to manage the business partner's sales relations. The sales office is used to identify the locations that are responsible for the organization's sales activities.

Price Group

You can define a sales contract for one or more items or price groups.

If this field is filled, the price and discount on the contract line or the price revision apply to all items in this price group.

You cannot enter agreements on a contract line that relate to both an item and a price group. For agreements by price group, the following conditions apply:

  • You cannot define a delivery schedule.
  • You must specify a quantity.
  • The Price and Price Book fields cannot both be empty when the contract is activated.
  • You must fill the / field.
  • You must fill the Item field and select the Apply Contract for All Items in Price Group check box.
  • You must fill the contract for all items in the price group.
  • You cannot enter multiple contract lines for the same price group in the same contract.
  • For each price group, you can conclude only one normal contract with a business partner per period.

In LN, the raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, sold, and so on.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not held in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The following are examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)
  • You can define items in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session.
  • You cannot enter agreements on a contract line that relate to both an item and a price group.
Agreed Quantity

The quantity that must be delivered according to the contract agreements. The contract quantity must always be greater than zero.


LN automatically starts the Item Dimensions (tdsls4811s000) session if the sales unit is of the following unit types:

  • Length
  • Area (m2)
  • Volume

In the Item Dimensions (tdsls4811s000) session, you can maintain the physical dimensions of the items to calculate the quantity.

Sales Unit

The unit in which an item is sold.

Agreed Quantity

The contract quantity, expressed in the inventory unit.


The item's picture, which is defaulted from the Picture field in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session.

Contract Prices in Use

If this check box is selected, prices and discounts are retrieved from the linked sales contract price revision in the Sales Contract Prices (tdsls3103m000) session.

If this check box is cleared, prices and discounts are retrieved from the Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000) session.


From the appropriate menu, click Sales Contract Prices to specify price revisions for the contract line in the Sales Contract Prices (tdsls3103m000) session.


The contract price for the line item.

If the price depends on either the quantity that is sold at one time, or the date of sale, you must record the price in a graded scale by using the Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000) session.

  • You cannot define a price record for a generic item.
  • To avoid mistakes, no default price is offered.
  • If the item on the contract is an effectivity unit, upgrade prices are included in the price. You can define an upgrade price for a specific requirement in the Requirements (tcuef0106m000) session. You can view the upgrade prices for a specific effectivity unit in the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session.
  • If the Allow Zero Price check box is selected in the Sales Contract Parameters (tdsls0100s300) session, you can specify a price of zero (0) in this field.
  • If the Material Pricing in Sales check box is selected in the Material Price Parameters (tcmpr0100m000) session, this price can include material base prices.

The sales price unit.

Discount %

The single discount percentage of the item. This single discount percentage applies to the total amount.

To enter more levels of discount percentages, you can zoom to the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session. The value entered in the Number of Discount Levels field of the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session, determines whether, in the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session, you can define a maximum of five levels of discount.


You can only enter a discount percentage if the Discount Amount field and the Discount Schedule field are empty.

Discount Amount

The single discount amount of the item. This single discount amount applies to the total amount.

To enter more levels of discount amounts, you can zoom to the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session. The value entered in the Number of Discount Levels field of the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session, determines whether, in the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session, you can define a maximum of five levels of discount.


You can only enter a discount amount if the Discount % field and the Discount Schedule field are empty.

Multi Level Discount

If this check box is selected, a multi-level discount is applied to the sales contract line.

Contract Line Status

The status of the sales contract line.

A contract line can have the following statuses:

  • Free
    When a new contract line is created, the contract line status is automatically set to Free. Only if the status is Free, you can make changes to the contract line.
  • Active
    You can link a salese order/ schedule/ quotation to a contract line with the Active status. If the status is Active and the Maintaining Contracts Always Allowed check box is cleared in the Sales Contract Parameters (tdsls0100s300) session, you cannot de-activate the contract agreements.
  • Terminated
    After a contract line is terminated, the contract line can no longer be used.

You can assign a status to each contract line with the following commands:

  • Activate
  • De-activate
  • Terminate
  • For sales contracts with the Free or Active status in the Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000) session, you can enter new contract lines.
  • You can maintain the status at contract level in the Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000) session. In this case, all contract lines of a contract obtain the same status.
Item Code System

An external, alternate way of coding items. Coding systems can be general standard systems (such as EAN) or systems that are dependent on a specific business partner.


If you use an alternative item code, you must also specify an item code system in the Item Code Systems (tcibd0106m000) session.

You cannot enter agreements on a contract line that relate to both an item and a price group.

Customer Item

The item code in the coding system. LN converts this item code to the item code used in your own company. This conversion allows you to, for instance, use the buy-from business partner's or sold-to business partner's item code during order entry.

You can specify business partner item codes in the Item Code System - Items (tcibd0104m000) session.

Engineering Item Revision

The revision of the engineering item.

Related topics

Effectivity Unit

A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.

  • If the Generate Effectivity Unit during Demand Entry check box is selected in the Unit Effectivity Parameters (tcuef0100s000) session, and the item on this sales contract line is unit effective, LN automatically inserts an effectivity unit. The generated unit is derived from the Default Series field of the Unit Effectivity Parameters (tcuef0100s000) session.
  • If the Generate Effectivity Unit during Demand Entry check box is cleared in the Unit Effectivity Parameters (tcuef0100s000) session, and the item on this sales contract line is unit effective, the effectivity unit is by default 0 (zero). You can click the Requirements button to create an effectivity unit. You can then select requirements to model the unit effective item.
  • Click Requirements to configure the effectivity unit in the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session. You can configure an effectivity unit on the sales contract line to indicate that optional materials must be used.

The code of the warehouse where the items must be delivered.

Apply Contract for All Items in Price Group

If this check box is selected, the sales contract applies to all items of the price group that is displayed in the Price Group field.


If you record contracts for a price group, the following applies:

  • The Item and Description fields must be filled with one of the items that belong to the price group.
  • You must fill in the Agreed Quantity field.
  • You can leave the / field empty.
  • You are not allowed to record more than one contract line for the same price group in a single contract.
  • You can only have one normal contract with a business partner for each price group, in a specific period.
Contract Date

The date on which the contract is entered in the system.

Default value

LN retrieves the default contract date from the Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000) session.


A contract can consist of several contract lines which have the same duration. However, the time at which the agreement is concluded with the customer can differ.

Effective Date

The first day on which a record or a setting is valid. The effective date often includes the effective time.


A relationship with an order or schedule can only exist if the order date on the order line or the start date on the schedule line falls within the effective period of the contract.

Expiry Date

The last day on which a record is valid. If you do not specify an expiry time, the validity expires at the end of the expiry date, at 24:00 hours.


A relationship with an order or schedule can only exist if the order date on the order line or the start date on the schedule line falls within the effective period of the contract.

Action on Exceeding Expiry Date

Select the action that is carried out when the contract line's expiry date is exceeded.

  • If the Use Contracts for Schedules check box is selected in the Sales Contract Parameters (tdsls0100s300) session, when linking a contract line to a sales schedule, LN checks whether the generation date of the schedule header does not exceed the expiry date of the contract line. If schedule lines are added, this check is also executed.
  • If the Use Contracts for Schedules check box is cleared, when linking a contract line to a sales schedule line, LN checks whether the schedule line's start date does not exceed the expiry date of the contract line.
  • When linking a contract line to a sales order line, LN checks whether the order line's date, as determined by the Sales Price Date Type field in the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session, does not exceed the expiry date of the contract line.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Action on Exceeding Expiry Date field in the Sales Contract Parameters (tdsls0100s300) session.

Expiry Date Tolerance

The period, expressed in days, by which the expiry date can be exceeded before sales orders and schedules can no longer be linked to the contract line. If dates fall within this tolerance margin, you are notified about the expiration of the contract line.


You can only fill this field if the Action on Exceeding Expiry Date is set to Skip Contract

Standard Description

If this check box is selected, both the item dependent text and the contract line text are printed on the contract acknowledgment.

If this check box is cleared, only the contract line text is printed on the contract acknowledgment.

  • You can link contract line specific information to a contract line by clicking the text button.
  • If the Price Group field is filled, you cannot access the Standard Description field.

The currency in which the sales contract amounts are expressed.

Price Book

An entity in which you can store price information that is valid for a given period of time.

A price book includes the following elements:

  • A price book header, which contains the code, type, and use of the price book.
  • One or more price book lines, which contain the items.

A quantity or value break discount schedule can be linked to a price book.


The Used for Contracts check box must be selected for the price book in the Price Books (tdpcg0111m000) session.

Book Price

The price for the item according to the price book, increased by an upgrade price if applicable. The default price for an item is stored in the default price book.


If the Material Pricing in Sales check box is selected in the Material Price Parameters (tcmpr0100m000) session, this price can include material base prices.

Price Unit

The unit to which the (sales/purchase) price applies.

Active Revision Price

The price as retrieved from the sales contract price revision that is active for the contract line.

Retro-Billed Price Changes present

If this check box is selected, a price change line exists that is not processed by the retrobilling process.


Material price information is not taken into account for retrobilling.

Price Unit

The unit to which the (sales/purchase) price applies.


The price of the sales contract line item.

This price is retrieved from the Price, Book Price, or Active Revision Price field.

Material Price

The sales contract line item's total material price.


Because a contract line cannot have material price surcharges, this field shows the total material base price.

Discount Schedule

The discount schedule that is linked to the sales contract line.

If you link (a) discount schedule(s) to a sales contract line, the following conditions are mandatory

  • The discount schedule must be Used for Sales Contracts.
  • The discount schedule line's effective date, as displayed in the Effective Date field of the Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000) session, must be the same as or fall before the Effective Date in the Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000) session.
  • The discount schedule's expiry date, as displayed in the Expiry Date field of the Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000) session, must be the same as or fall after the Expiry Date in the Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000) session.

To link more discount schedules to the contract, you can zoom to the Line Discount Schedules (tdpcg0521m100) session. Depending on the value entered in the Number of Discount Levels field of the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session, you can define a maximum of five discount schedules in the Line Discount Schedules (tdpcg0521m100) session.


If you specified a value in the Discount % or Discount Amount fields, you cannot enter a discount schedule.

You can specify discount schedules in the Discount Schedule (tdpcg0612m000) session.

Discount Code

A way to indicate why a discount was granted. For example, you can grant a discount because the customer orders large quantities. If you grant a discount or if you add a surcharge to a sales invoice, you can enter a discount code to indicate the reason.

Surcharges and discounts can be the result of the following:

  • Standard discounts
  • Surcharges
  • Payable commissions
  • Payable rebates
Discount %

The discount percentage resulting from the contract line discount. The total discount amount is expressed as a percentage of the (gross) contract amount.

The Discount % is calculated as follows:

Discount Amount / (agreed quantity * price) * 100%
Discount Amount

The discount amount resulting from the order line discount. This amount is calculated as follows:

Order Line Discount Amount = Quantity * Price * Order Line Discount/100

The calculation result is rounded. The order line discount amount is always expressed in the order/quotation currency.


The order (contract) line discount used in this formula, is the total of the level of discounts entered in the Line Discounts (tdpcg0200m200) session.

Net Amount

The net contract line amount, which is calculated based on the agreed quantity.

It is calculated as follows:

Agreed Quantity * Price - Discount Amount

If this check box is selected, the selected contract line is taken into account when the total contract value is calculated for applying total contract discount to contracts.

Related topics


If this check box is selected, the calculated discount percentage is applied to the selected contract line.

Related topics

Calculate Price with Cumulative

If this check box is selected, LN retrieves the price and discounts from the price book and discount schedules, based on the total cumulative quantities of the linked sales orders and sales schedules.

The sales price/discount that is retrieved from the sales contract price book/discount schedule, is based on the following calculation:

Contract called quantity + Sales order/schedule line quantity (converted to the unit of 
the contract line's agreed quantity)

This functionality only applies if a price book/discount schedule is linked to the contract.


The sales contract price book that is entered on the sales contract line is defined as follows:

Break (maximum)Qty UnitPrice


The following sales order lines are created:

Order lineOrder quantityContract called quantity (before order line is saved)Quantity for price determinationPrice (from price book)
21055 + 1020
3101515 + 1010


Redetermine Price and Discounts at Shipment

If this check box is selected, and a sales schedule is linked to this contract line, sales schedule line prices and/or discounts are recalculated during shipment. Therefore, the delivered amount of the shipped goods reflects the actual contract price information.

When prices and discounts are redetermined, depends on the value of the sales schedule line's Payment field.

  • Pay on Receipt
    Prices and discounts are recalculated when a shipment is made for a sales schedule planned warehouse order line. Price and discount redetermination is based on the delivered quantity, inventory unit, and actual delivery date.
  • Pay on Use
    Prices and discounts are recalculated when a consumption is processed for a sales schedule planned warehouse order line. Price and discount redetermination is based on the consumed quantity, inventory unit, and consumption date.

If this check box is cleared, and a sales schedule is linked to this contract line, the price and discounts cannot be redetermined after the sales schedule is approved and planned warehouse orders are created.

  • You can only select this check box if the Use Contracts for Schedules check box is selected in the Sales Contract Parameters (tdsls0100s300) session.
  • To view the recalculated price and discount for the shipped goods, on the appropriate menu of the Sales Schedule Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls3140m100) and Sales Schedule Invoice Lines (tdsls3140m200) sessions, click Price and Discounts, which starts the Price and Discounts (tdpcg1600m000) session.
Minimum Quantity

The minimum contract quantity that you want to sell, expressed in the sales unit.

The quantity sold to the business partner often differs from the contract quantity. As a result, you can record the minimum quantity to be sold in the contract. Use the Evaluate Sales Contracts (tdsls3420m000) session to calculate the difference between called quantities and the minimum contract quantity.

Minimum Quantity

The minimum contract quantity that you want to sell, expressed in the inventory unit.

Maximum Quantity

The maximum contract quantity that you want to sell, expressed in the sales unit.

The quantity sold to the business partner often differs from the contract quantity. Therefore, you can record the maximum quantity to be sold in the contract. Use the Evaluate Sales Contracts (tdsls3420m000) session to calculate the difference between called quantities and the maximum contract quantity.


When the maximum quantity is reached, in the Action on Exceeding Maximum Quantity field of the current session, you can define what action is taken.

Maximum Quantity

The maximum contract quantity that you want to sell, expressed in the inventory unit.

Action on Exceeding Maximum Quantity

You can select the action that is carried out when the maximum contract quantity is exceeded.

  • If the Use Contracts for Schedules check box is selected in the Sales Contract Parameters (tdsls0100s300) session, when linking a contract line to a sales schedule, LN checks whether the called quantity on the contract line does not exceed the maximum contract quantity. If schedule lines are added, this check is also executed.
  • If the Use Contracts for Schedules check box is cleared, when linking a contract line to a sales schedule line, LN checks whether the schedule line's ordered quantity does not exceed the maximum quantity on the contract line.
  • When linking a contract line to a sales order line, LN checks whether the called quantity on the contract line does not exceed the maximum contract quantity.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Action on Exceeding Maximum Quantity field in the Sales Contract Parameters (tdsls0100s300) session.

Maximum Quantity Tolerance

The quantity, expressed in the sales unit, by which the maximum contract quantity can be exceeded before sales orders and schedules can no longer be linked to the contract line. If quantities fall within this tolerance margin, you are notified about the expiration of the contract line.


You can only fill this field if the Action on Exceeding Maximum Quantity is set to Skip Contract.

Maximum Quantity Tolerance

The quantity, expressed in the inventory unit, with which the maximum contract quantity can be exceeded before sales orders and schedules can no longer be linked to the contract line. If a maximum quantity tolerance is applicable, you are notified about the expiration of the contract line.


You can only fill this field if the Action on Exceeding Maximum Quantity is set to Skip Contract.

Evaluation [y/n/repeat]

Use this field to idicate whether or not the contract must be (re)evaluated.

Quantity Binding

This field indicates whether the agreed contract quantity is binding.

If this check box is selected, the Evaluate Sales Contracts (tdsls3420m000) session prints all differences between:

  • The called quantity and the maximum contract quantity.
  • The called quantity and the minimum contract quantity.

If this check box is cleared, the Evaluate Sales Contracts (tdsls3420m000) session only prints the differences if the minimum contract quantity or the maximum contract quantity are exceeded. The upper and lower limits of this range are percentages of the agreed quantity.

Called Quantity

This field totals the called quantities of all the sales order/schedule lines that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the inventory unit.

The called quantity is increased when an order/schedule is linked to a contract.

Called Quantity

This field totals the called quantities for all the sales order/schedule lines that are linked to the contract line, expressed in the sales unit.

Inventory Unit

The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

Invoiced Quantity

The total number of invoiced items on sales orders/schedules related to a sales contract, expressed in the inventory unit.

Based on the invoiced quantity, the effective date and the expiry date, you can calculate the possible end quantity on the expiry date by extrapolating data. If you run the Process Delivered Sales Orders (tdsls4223m000)/ Process Delivered Sales Schedules (tdsls3223m000) session, the invoiced quantity is raised for each contract-related order/schedule line.


Order discounts are not accounted for. Only the net goods amounts are totalized.

Invoiced Quantity

The total number of invoiced items on sales orders/schedules related to a sales contract, expressed in the sales unit.

Called Amount

The total of the called amounts for all the sales order/schedule lines that are linked to the contract line.

You can calculate the possible final amount on the expiry date by extrapolating data based on the called amount, the effective date and the expiry date. LN raises the called amount when a sales order/schedule line is linked to a contract line.

LN updates this (cumulative) amount:

  • During the input of sales order lines when a sales order is linked to a contract.
  • During the approval of a schedule line when a sales schedule is linked to a contract.
Invoiced Amount

The total of the invoiced amounts on sales order/schedule lines that are linked to a sales contract.

  • You can calculate the possible invoiced amount on the expiry date by extrapolating data, based on the invoiced amount, the effective date, and the expiry date.
  • The invoiced amount is updated by the Process Delivered Sales Orders (tdsls4223m000)/ Process Delivered Sales Schedules (tdsls3223m000) session.
Ship-to Business Partner

The business partner to which you ship the ordered goods. This usually represents a customer's distribution center or warehouse. The definition includes the default warehouse from which you send the goods, the carrier who carries out the transport, and the related sold-to business partner.


A full set of addressing details, which include the postal address, access numbers for telephone, fax, and telex, e-mail and Internet address, identification for taxation purposes, and routing information.


The person with whom you discuss business transactions. For example, you address questions, quotations, and follow-up calls, direct mail, and promotional gifts to the contact. The contact's data include the name, telephone number, e-mail address, and other details.

Ship-to Warehouse

The warehouse to which the items are shipped.

Delivery Point

The business partner's delivery point at which you must deliver the items.

Delivery Terms

The agreements with the business partner, concerning the way the goods are delivered. Relevant information is printed on various order documents.

Related topics

Point of Title Passage

The point at which the legal ownership changes. At this point, the risk passes from the seller to the buyer.

Related topics


If contract deliveries are defined by means of sales schedules, this field displays the number of the sales schedule that is linked to the sales contract line.

Click Generate Sales Schedule on the appropriate menu to define contract deliveries by means of sales schedules. As a result, the Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000) session starts.


For each sales schedule line a sales order line is generated.

Additional Cost Set

The additional cost set that is assigned to the contract line item.


This field is only applicable for sales schedules that are linked to the contract line.

Tax Classification

An attribute of order headers and order lines that you can use to define tax exceptions for the transaction. LN retrieves the default tax classification from the invoice-from and invoice-to business partners.

For example, you can use the tax classification to indicate:

  • That payments to an invoice-from business partner are subject to withholding tax and social contributions
  • To group business partners that have the same tax aspects for your company, for example, subcontractors, or agents
  • That the tax must be paid in a country other than the sales office or service office's home country

Default value

This field is defaulted from the sales contract header.


If this check box is selected, tax exemption applies.


If the Tax Exempt Level parameter in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session is set to:

  • Limited and you select this check box manually, the Tax Code is defaulted from the Exempt Sales field of the Tax Handling (tctax0138m000) session. If you clear this check box manually, the tax code is not changed.
  • Extended and you select this check box manually, the Tax Code is not changed. If you clear this check box manually, the Exempt Reason and Exempt Certificate fields are cleared and disabled.
Tax Country

The country used for tax purposes.

Own Tax Number

A number used to identify legal persons or businesses. The tax authorities assign the tax numbers to the registered businesses. Your business partners must provide you with their tax number. Business partners without a tax number are considered to be private persons.

Tax Code

The tax code that applies to the sales contract line.


The tax code that can be entered in this field can only be of the VAT kind.

BP Tax Country

The country in which the business partner has the tax ID.

BP Tax Number

The business partner's tax ID.


The business partner's tax ID is date effective. To determine and display the correct tax ID for the business partner, LN uses the current date.

Exempt Certificate

The exemption certificate that is assigned to the business partner by the tax authority.

  • This field only applies if the Tax Exempt Level parameter is set to Extended in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session.
  • This field is defaulted from the method that is used to retrieve tax details, as defined in the Search Sequence Tax Libraries group box of the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session.
Exempt Reason

The reason why the sold-to business partner is exempt from sales tax.

  • LN prints the exempt reasons on the sales invoices.
  • This field only applies if the Tax Exempt Level parameter is set to Extended in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session.
  • This field is defaulted from the method that is used to retrieve tax details, as defined in the Search Sequence Tax Libraries group box of the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session.
  • The reason code must be of the Tax Exemption type and must be date effective, as valuated by the Contract Date.

If this check box is selected, contract line text exists.


Sales Contract Prices

Starts the Sales Contract Prices (tdsls3103m000) session.

This command is enabled only if the Contract Prices in Use check box is selected.

Delivery Scheme

Starts the Sales Contract Delivery Lines (tdsls3104m000) session in which you can define contract deliveries by means of a delivery scheme.

Linked Sales Schedules

Starts the Sales Schedule Lines (tdsls3107m000) session, in which you can view the sales schedule that is linked to the sales contract line.

Generate Sales Orders from Delivery Schemes
Material Price Information

Starts the Material Price Information (tcmpr1600m000) session, in which you can view the material price information that is linked to the sales contract line, such as the material price agreement, item material content, and material base prices.

Price Inquiry

Starts the Price Inquiry (tdpcg0250m000) session.

Recalculate Price/Discounts Contract Price
Contract Line Analysis

Activates a sales contract line. You cannot change headers or lines with the Active status.


De-activates a sales contract line. This action changes the status from Active to Free.


Terminates a sales contract line.

You cannot generate sales schedules for Terminated normal contracts and you cannot generate sales orders from Terminated special contracts.

Open Lines

Only displays sales contract lines with the Free, or Active status.

All Lines

Displays all purchase contract lines.

Turnover History
Linked Sales Orders
Order Pegging

Starts the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session in which you can select requirements to configure the effectivity unit.

If the Generate Effectivity Unit during Demand Entry check box is selected in the Unit Effectivity Parameters (tcuef0100s000) session, the default requirements for the effectivity unit’s item, defined in the Item - Requirements (tcuef0108m000) session, are automatically imported for the effectivity unit. If the Generate Effectivity Unit during Demand Entry check box is cleared, you must manually select requirements in the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session.