Normalize Criteria Weightings (tdpur8852m000)

Use this session to rescale or to normalize all criteria weightings. After the rescale, the weightings represent a real percentage. You cannot change weightings relative to other weightings.

When you enter weightings for criteria and subcriteria, it is useful to apply them as percentages. But if you change weightings or add new criteria, the weightings soon fail to add up to a 100 percent. This cannot affect the vendor rating calculation, but it is more difficult to judge the real impact of the weightings. For example, a weighting of 80 percent seems a lot, but if 20 other criteria also have a rating of 80 percent, the real weight is small.


Full Update

If this check box is selected, all criteria weightings are recalculated.

If this check box is cleared, the weightings for one criterion are recalculated.


The code of the subjective criterion.