Supplier Stage Payment History (tdpur5570m000)

Use this session to view supplier stage payments history.

Before history can be logged in this session, the log history parameters must first be specified in the parameter session for the relevant purchase business object.


No reversal bookings are logged for supplier stage payment history.

If RFQ history is deleted in the Delete Request for Quotation History (tdpur1204m000) session or purchase order line history is deleted in the Archive/Delete Purchase Order/Schedule History (tdpur5201m000) session, the related supplier stage payment history is also deleted.


From the appropriate menu, use the Last Entry per Stage Payment Line command to choose how stage payment line history is displayed.

If this command is:

  • Marked, LN displays the last transaction that has taken place for the stage payment line.
  • Not marked, LN displays all transactions that have taken place for the stage payment line.


Transaction Date

The date and time when the document (line) is changed and/or written to the history file.

History Action

The action that caused the logging of the stage payment line history record.

Allowed values

  • Created
  • Changed
  • Canceled
  • Deleted
Login Code

The identification code for the LN user. This code is used for system security.

Processed in Statistics

If this check box is selected, the history line is processed in Statistics.

Related topics


Last Entry per Stage Payment Line

Displays only the last transaction that has taken place for the stage payment line.

Peg Distribution History