Sequence Shipping data (tdpur3517m000)

Use this session to view the sequence shipping details for a particular sequence shipping schedule line.

LN only inserts records in this session if the call-off is triggered from the Assembly Control module and the supply system is order controlled/SILS.

If Assembly Control calls off goods by means of the SILS supply system, LN carries out the following steps:

  1. In Assembly Control, a reference number/ID is generated that represents a combination of VIN, Line Station, and Assembly Kit.
  2. If a call-off is made, for every item, a schedule line is generated in the Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000) session, and the generated reference ID is inserted in the Reference ID field.
  3. For every schedule line, a record is inserted in the Sequence Shipping data (tdpur3517m000) session.
  4. For every schedule line and linked sequence shipping data, a record is inserted in the Purchase Release Lines - Sequence Shipping Data (tdpur3523m000) session.

You cannot update sequence shipping schedules. To update a schedule line, you must change the assembly order that generated the sequence shipping schedule line.



The number of the sequence shipping schedule.


The required item.


The vehicle number that identifies a vehicle on the assembly line.

Line Station

The line station on the assembly line where the item must be delivered.

Reference ID

A unique number, generated by the Assembly Control (ASC) module , that represents a combination of VIN, Line Station, and Assembly Kit.

A one-to-one relationship exists between the Reference ID field in the Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000) session, and the sequence shipping data, as stored in the current session. The reference ID is a unique field that informs you about all items that must be packed together or that must be treated as a single entity.

Requirement Date

The planned delivery date on which the item is required at the line station.

The planned delivery date is important for schedules that are Receipt Based, as defaulted from the Shipment/Receipt Based field of the Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000) session.

Shipment Date

The planned date on which the items on the order/schedule line must be shipped/picked up at the ship from business partner's site. The planned shipment date cannot fall before the order date.

The planned shipment date is important for schedules that are Shipment Based, as defaulted from the Shipment/Receipt Based field of the Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000) session.


The status of the sequence shipping schedule line.

  • Created
    The sequence shipping schedule line is created and is already sent, or must be sent to the supplier in a purchase release.
  • Modified
    After the sequence shipping schedule line is sent in a purchase release, the line has undergone a change that is communicated, or must be communicated to the supplier.

    A line obtains the Modified status if (one of) the following fields are changed by Assembly Control:

    • Job Sequence
    • Quantity
    • Requirement Date
  • Canceled
    The sequence shipping schedule line is canceled. If the line, in its Created status, was already sent to the supplier in a purchase release, the Canceled line is also put in the Purchase Release Lines - Sequence Shipping Data (tdpur3523m000) session. The reason for this is that the supplier must also be informed about the cancellation of an already communicated line. If a Created line was not yet communicated to the supplier, in case of a cancellation, the Created line is removed from the Purchase Release Lines - Sequence Shipping Data (tdpur3523m000) session. A line obtains the Canceled status if a field other than Job Sequence, Quantity, Requirement Date, or Shipment Date is changed.

In the Sent field of the Sequence Shipping data (tdpur3517m000) session, you can see whether the sequence shipping schedule line was already sent to the supplier in a purchase release.

These statuses correspond to the following statuses in the Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000) session:

  • Created = Order Generated.
  • Modified = Order Generated.
  • Canceled = Canceled.
Schedule Position

The number of the schedule line. This number uniquely identifies each requirement of an item that a specified business partner must supply at a specific date and time.


The sequence revision of the sequence shipping schedule line.

The sequence revision is incremented if the status of the sequence shipping line, after the schedule line is sent in a purchase release, changes from Created to Canceled and/or Modified. As a result, you can monitor the updates that are made to a specific sequence shipping schedule line.


You can view which sequence shipping lines are stored under a specific release revision in the Purchase Release Lines - Sequence Shipping Data (tdpur3523m000) session.


If this check box is selected, the sequence shipping schedule line is already sent in a purchase release.


You can view which sequence shipping schedule (lines) are stored under a specific purchase release and release revision in the Purchase Release Lines - Sequence Shipping Data (tdpur3523m000) session.

Assembly Kit

The number of the assembly kit against which the call-off is made.

You can link items to an assembly kit in the Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000) session.

Related topics


The schedule quantity expressed in the purchase unit.


The unit in which you purchase an item, also referred to as the purchase quantity unit.


The unit set in which the unit is stored must be linked to the item in the Item - General Defaults (tcibd0102s000) session.

You can define units in the Units (tcmcs0101m000) session, unit sets in the Unit Sets (tcmcs0106m000) session, and units by unit set in the Units by Unit Set (tcmcs0112m000) session.

  • A conversion factor must be linked to the item in the Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000) session.
  • If a contract is linked to the schedule, the unit defined in the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session is used by default. If no contract is linked, LN uses the purchase unit that is specified in the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session.

Related topics


The schedule quantity expressed in the inventory unit.


The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.


If this check box is selected, a specification is linked to the sequence shipping schedule line.


The purchase price of the configured item.


This field can only be filled if, in the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session, the Option Based Pricing check box is selected for the contract line that is linked to this purchase schedule.


A generally accepted medium of exchange such as coins, treasury notes, and banknotes.

The following currency types are available in LN:

  • Home currency, which is used internally by companies to calculate costs, record budgets, and register tax amounts
  • Transaction currency, which is used in transactions with business partners, such as orders and invoices

The purchase price unit of the configured item.


This field can only be filled if, in the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session, the Option Based Pricing check box is selected for the contract line that is linked to this purchase schedule.

Total Discount Amount

The line's total discount amount.


This field can only be filled if, in the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session, the Option Based Pricing check box is selected for the contract line that is linked to this purchase schedule.

Total Discount %

The total of all discounts that are applied to the line, expressed as a percentage.


This field can only be filled if, in the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session, the Option Based Pricing check box is selected for the contract line that is linked to this purchase schedule.

Net Amount

The line's total net amount.


This field can only be filled if, in the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session, the Option Based Pricing check box is selected for the contract line that is linked to this purchase schedule.

Option List ID

The identification of the options and features for a configured item. The ID is used in the item specification to match supply and demand.


Click Option List to view the configured item 's options and features in the Option List (tcibd4522m000) session.



Starts the Specification (tcibd4120m000) session. You can only use this command if the Specification check box is selected for the sequence shipping schedule line.

Option List

Starts the Option List (tcibd4522m000) session.

Price and Discounts

Starts the Price and Discounts (tdpcg1600m000) session in which you can view the prices and discounts for the schedule line.