Terminate Purchase Schedule (tdpur3210m100)

Use this session to execute one of the following activities:

  • Terminate an active purchase schedule.
  • Terminate an active purchase schedule and copy it to a new purchase schedule.

If a maximum number of 9999 positions is not enough for a specific purchase schedule, for instance when a schedule has many delivery moments, with this session, you can terminate a purchase schedule that has the Schedule Positions Full status and copy the schedule to a new schedule.

To terminate an active purchase schedule

If you want to terminate a purchase schedule, it depends on the kind of schedule what action LN takes:

Push schedules and pull-forecast schedules

LN performs the following actions when you terminate a push schedule or a pull-forecast schedule:

  • Cancels the schedule lines that have the status Created, Approved, Disapproved, or Order Generated. As a result, the purchase schedule receives the status Terminated.
  • Sets the status of the purchase schedule to Termination in Process if it contains schedule lines with the status ASN Received, Partial Receipt, or Final Receipt. As soon as the lines are processed or canceled, the purchase schedule receives the status Terminated.

Pull call-off schedules

LN performs the following actions when you terminate a pull call-off schedule:

  • Sets the status of the purchase schedule to Termination in Process.
  • Cancels the schedule lines that originate from Warehousing. As a result, the purchase schedule receives the status Terminated. You cannot cancel schedule lines that originate from Assembly Control, because the cancelation can only be triggered from Assembly Control (see also: Sequence shipping schedules). However, Assembly Control can no longer create new schedule lines because the purchase schedule's status is Termination in Process.
  • With the cancelation of the schedule lines, posted inventory transactions and financial transactions are reversed.
  • When the purchase schedule is terminated, LN creates a purchase release to inform the supplier about the cancelation of the existing schedule's schedule lines. If no quantities are left on the purchase schedule, a purchase release is created with a quantity of zero, which is canceled in the sales schedule (see also: Zero required quantity for sales schedule lines).
To terminate an active purchase schedule and copy it to a new purchase schedule

If you want to terminate a purchase schedule and copy it to a new purchase schedule, it depends on the kind of schedule what action LN takes:

Push schedules and pull-forecast schedules

LN performs the following actions when you terminate a push schedule or a pull-forecast schedule and copy it to a new purchase schedule:

  1. The schedule that you want to terminate receives the status Termination in Process and a new purchase schedule is created with the Active status.
  2. Copies the schedule lines with the status Created, Approved, or Order Generated, to the new purchase schedule.
  3. After the copying process is executed successfully, the purchase schedule is terminated (see the above logic for terminating an active push schedule or pull-forecast schedule).
  • A copied line with the original status Approved, is also approved in the new schedule.
  • A copied line with the original status Order Generated, also receives the status Order Generated in the new schedule.
  • If you copy a purchase schedule to a new schedule, the number group and series for the entered schedule are used again. If these series are not valid anymore, LN uses the series that are linked to the schedule's purchase office in the Purchase Offices (tdpur0112m000) session, to create a new schedule.
  • Cumulatives and authorizations are not copied to the new schedule, but start from scratch on the new schedule. The reason for this is that suppliers and customers must start with the same values on the new schedule.

Pull call-off schedules

LN performs the following actions when you want to terminate and copy a pull call-off schedule:

  • Sets the status of the purchase schedule to Termination in Process. As soon as all schedule lines are received in Warehousing, or canceled by Assembly Control, LN sets the status of the purchase schedule to Terminated.
  • When new requirements are generated, LN automatically creates a new pull-forecast schedule and then a new pull call-off schedule with the same number as the newly generated pull-forecast schedule. LN does not cancel the schedule lines that originate from Warehousing. The reason for this is that when call-off requirements are generated, LN automatically creates a new pull call-off schedule with the same number as the newly generated pull-forecast schedule when it does not find an Active pull call-off schedule. As a result, it is not necessary to cancel these lines. You can never cancel schedule lines that originate from Assembly Control, because the cancelation can only be triggered from Assembly Control.



The number of the active purchase schedule that you want to terminate.

Buy-from Business Partner

The buy-from business partner that is linked to the selected purchase schedule.


The planner who is responsible for the selected purchase schedule.

Report Only (no termination of schedules)

If this check box is selected, a report is printed of the actions LN will perform. You can use this check box to view the impact of the actions before LN actually processes them.

Print Report

If this check box is selected, a report is printed of the actions LN has performed.

Copy Schedule

If this check box is selected, LN does not only terminate the selected purchase schedule, but also copies the schedule to a new purchase schedule.