Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain purchase requisition headers.

You can start this session in the details mode by clicking:

  • Details on the appropriate menu of the Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000) overview session.
  • Purchase Requisition Details on the File menu of the Purchase Requisition (tdpur2600m000) session.

When you double-click a record, or click the New button, the Purchase Requisition (tdpur2600m000) session is started.



The number that identifies the purchase requisition.

Origin of Requisition

The origin that created the requisition.

Allowed values



The employee code of the user who initiated the purchase requisition.

Requester Department

The department code of the department who initiated the purchase requisition.

Reference A

The first of two user-defined fields that you can use to gather information for purchase reporting, and maintain purchase requisitions grouped by the reference.

Reference B

The second of two user-defined fields that you can use to gather information for purchase reporting, and maintain purchase requisitions grouped by the reference.

Requisition Status

The status of the purchase requisition.

Allowed values

Requisition Status

Workflow Status

The status that applies if the business object requires authorization using ION Workflow.

When you perform a change that requires authorization, a checked-out version is automatically created for the business object. The changes you submitted are only effective after approval/check-in. You can also undo your changes, or recall your submitted changes.

  • Checked-out and checked-in objects are displayed in the Checked-out Objects (ttocm9599m000) session.
  • From the appropriate menu of this session, select Workflow and then select the required action for the business object.

Allowed values

If the business object is checked out, this field shows an Object status.

If the business object is checked in, this field shows an Approval status.

Regardless of the object being checked in or out, if a description is specified for the object type in the Workflow Information Fields (ttocm0106m000) session (which is displayed as a tab in the Object Types (ttocm0102m000) session), this field always shows the value of the appropriate Description field.


For more information on setting up and using ION Workflow for business objects in LN, refer to the Infor LN Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors at Infor Xtreme.

Last Transaction Date

The last date on which the requisition was modified.

Requisition Date

Initially, this is the date on which the requisition is specified, but this date can be manually changed to a date in the future.

Default value

The current (creation) date.

Requested Date

The date on which the requested item must be received.

Approver Department

The department code of either a department defined as the approver department, or the department to which the approver has been assigned.


The approver department must be a valid department as defined in the Approvers (tdpur2105m000) session.

Default value

For requisitions with the Created status, this field is defaulted from the Purchase User Profiles (tdpur0143m000) session. Otherwise, this field is defaulted from the Purchase Requisition Approval Progress (tdpur2506m000) session.


The employee code of the person who must approve the purchase requisition.


The employee must be a valid approver as defined in the Approvers (tdpur2105m000) session.

Default value

For requisitions with the Created status, this field is defaulted from the Purchase User Profiles (tdpur0143m000) session. Otherwise, this field is defaulted from the Purchase Requisition Approval Progress (tdpur2506m000) session.

Spend Approved

If this check box is selected, the purchase requisition was approved in the (external) approval process.

  • If the Budget Control check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, the requisition obtains the Approved status when the budget check was successful for all requisition lines, and as a result, the Budget Exception check box is cleared on the requisition lines.
  • If the Budget Control check box is cleared, when the requisition receives the Approved status, the Spend Approved check box is also selected.
Reason for Rejection

The reason why the Requisition Status is set to Rejected.


This field is only visible if the Requisition Approved in External Workflow Application check box is selected in the Purchase Requisition Parameters (tdpur0100m200) session.


If this check box is selected, the requisition line is urgent on the Buyer Home page.

Allow Partial Rejection

If this check box is selected, a purchase requisition can receive the Approved status if, besides approved lines, it also contains requisition lines that are rejected. Therefore, the purchase requisition allows rejection of individual lines. Only the lines with the Rejected check box cleared can be converted to a request-for-quotation (RFQ) or a purchase order.

If this check box is cleared, a purchase requisition cannot receive the Approved status if it contains requisition lines with the Rejected check box selected.


If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Conversion Type

Conversion Type

Default value

The value of this field is defaulted to the lines of the purchase requisition, but can be changed in the Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000) session.


The employee of your company who is the contact to the concerned buy-from business partner. The buyer is also known as the purchasing agent.

Purchase Office

The purchase office associated with the requisition. The purchase office provides the appropriate default office attributes during requisition entry.


A generally accepted medium of exchange such as coins, treasury notes, and banknotes.

The following currency types are available in LN:

  • Home currency, which is used internally by companies to calculate costs, record budgets, and register tax amounts
  • Transaction currency, which is used in transactions with business partners, such as orders and invoices
Requesting Warehouse

The code of the warehouse where the requested item must be delivered.

Receipt Address

The actual address where goods must be delivered that you recorded for each supplier. In practice, this can be one of your warehouses.



Starts the current session in the details mode.

Requisition Lines

Submits the purchase requisition for approval.

Submit Purchase Requisitions

Cancels the purchase requisition.

Cancel Purchase Requisitions
Prepare Conversion
Convert Purchase Requisitions
Delete Purchase Requisitions
Approval Progress
Without Buyer

Only displays purchase requisitions with an empty Buyer field.

Urgent (Lines)

Only displays purchase requisitions with the Urgent check box selected.


Only displays purchase requisitions with the Requisition Status set to Approved.